Sunday 11 February 2007

The food enthusiast

"What are we having for dinner tonight?" asked Ro. "The pumpkin soup I made the other day," I told him "and a pizza. I was going to make some cheese scones, but your father and I agreed, let's make life easy and see what's in the freezer." "We're not having that cabbage then?"

There is half a small Savoy cabbage left; the other half went in the minestrone soup. "We could," I suggested without meaning it at all, "shred and deep fry the cabbage to sprinkle over the soup." "That might be nice" said the lad, keenly.

Well yes, it might be, if he's going to do it. If he thinks I am, he might be a little less than appointed.

At present, he's making himself a substantial salad sandwich for his lunch tomorrow. I am drinking wine. A pleasant pink Pinot Grigio. I am going to spend the evening reading the papers - skipping the news and heading for the articles - and mellowing nicely.


badgerdaddy said...

Lovely use of 'appointed', a really under-used word.

That reads awfully, but I mean it with genuine fluffiness and pink thoughts!

Z said...

Um, thank you, dear. Accepted in similar vein.

Anonymous said...

so did the freezer finally got rid of the cabbage?

i never tried eating a deep-fried cabbage before.

y.Wendy.y said...

Aah yes THE question. Whats for dinner Mum?

Drives me round the bend and, in a bad mood, I will answer boiled beans and brussel sprouts.

Z said...

Unbelievably, the blokes ignored my instructions and didn't serve up the red cabbage with the casserole on Saturday. Ro thought it wouldn't go with the sprouts so did leek instead. So we have an awful lot of spiced red cabbage braised with onion and apple in red wine vinegar to get through.

Vegetables finely shredded and used as a garnish have been a foodie thing for quite some time. I'm not sure how many people would bother with it outside a restaurant though.

Ro is acutely interested in food - not that he eats a lot, it's the flavours and the healthiness of them that occupy his mind. If I gave your answer he'd probably just suggest an interesting sauce.

"Interesting sauce" - yes, I know one or two people that could be described by those words...

Ally said...

What does deep fried cabbage actually taste like? It sounds quite scary - going by the one and only time I tried to deep-fry lettuce.

Z said...

Oh I say, I've never tried that. It doesn't sound as if it was a success - too much water perhaps?

I gather that 'fried seaweed' is often actually cabbage, so if you've had it, that's what it taste likes. A sort of dark green leafy taste. It is not really that interesting on its own, but if you had something creamy or bland it would add some crispness and a bit of contrasting flavour.

Pat said...

Isn't the whole point about eating cabbage (and the greeener the better) is its nutritional value and wouldn't deep frying nullify that?
Don't hit me!
I can't remember - have you changed to new blogger? I'm being harrassed!

Z said...

You could well be right, Pat. But a) I was being gently sarcastic and b) I don't think that a garnish has to be counted in the nutritional content of food.

By the way, mentioning deep frying and nullified nutritional value in the same sentence has made me really crave doughnuts. Oh, thank you very much, Pat!

Yes, I changed to new blogger, with no problems at all - I just pressed 'change' (or whatever) and lo! it was done. But I have never added anything to my template at all, except Statcounter and that mysteriously disappeared a couple of weeks later and had to be reinstated once I noticed. I don't have interesting camels or anything like that.

dharmabum said...

can't help smiling - and being eternally grateful to my mom. for here in india, it is mostly the moms who do all the cooking :)

i do it very occasionally though, but that is more out of choice !

Pat said...

Thanks Z for the further info re Blogger. Once before - when my blog went pear shaped - I lost my ststs and went back to square one and that would really piss me off if it happened again. So i will hang on as long as poss. GRRRRRR!

Z said...

Dharmabum, I don't think I've ever eaten a bad meal in India. I think everyone there is a born cook!

The stats weren't actually lost, Pat, I didn't have to start again from scratch, just lost a few weeks' visitors. I didn't put in a stat counter until I'd had the blog for quite some time, and I don't look at it very often, so I didn't realise it wasn't there for a while.