Sunday 4 December 2011

Z is in love

Crikey, I'm having a bit of a moment here.  Being taken right back to when I was a tiny Z.  And I was tiny too, a whopping great baby (nine and a half pounds, darlings, you'd never believe it) and then I seem to have just stopped growing after a year or two and I was this little blonde thing whose clothes just hung on her.  Do you remember, how mothers used to always dress their daughters alike?  I remember one particular red dress, we had one each.  Mine lasted for years, and soon after that I grew into Wink's, so there I was again.  That dress marked my childhood.

Anyway, that's not what I came to write about.  When I mentioned the Mole song the other day - I know, I was shocked to find how bad it was, there is nothing to redeem it at all, not even as a novelty - it reminded me of my first two musical loves of a popular nature.  And so I looked them up.  First, this ditty.  I'd have been two.  I know what I liked, it was the marching rhythm, which would have appealed to a toddler, and it was also the lyrics.  Lay down your arms and surrender to mine.  I thought that was incredibly witty, such a clever play on words.

But the this one was my next love.  And, playing it ... goodness, I'm in heaven.  I still absolutely adore it.  I can't manage any sort of critical evaluation, I'm 1957 Z, in love with Perry Como all over again.  I kept the record for years, until Weeza, as a very small child, callously chucked it on the ground, where it shattered, along with my heart.  To be fair, this has been on her conscience for her whole life and she bought me an LP of his, some years ago.  This was on the B side of the original, which is quite nice, but it's Catch a Falling Star that will forever be Z's song.  *Sigh*

Another year passed, and my sister bought this record.  You've got to agree, it beats the sodding Mole song.

And now I've got to look up the divine Perry on Spotify, so that I can play Z's song whenever I want to.  I'm serious, you know, I've gone all tingly.


LẌ said...

I don't know the first song, the others are embedded in my DNA. Thanks for the 50s blast this morning.

Z said...

The remastered version isn't the thing either. I've bookmarked the YouTube one. If I can put it into words, I'll have to write about the emotional impact of deep-seated memories. Gosh.

Tim said...

Oh my goodness! I am now fourteen years old. I didn't even have to play them - they are all (well, nearly - not so much the P P Eater) permanent earworms, of the best sort, for which I can hit Play whenever I choose. Thank you! (I have them all on iTunes; I feel a very self-indulgent evening coming on.)

Z said...

Isn't blogging wonderful for connections, Tim? I might know someone for years and never have this conversation. Indeed, I don't believe I ever have.

Rog said...

We used to sing :
"Catch a falling sputnik
Put it in a matchbox
Send it to the USA".

I had no idea what that was all about.

kippy said...

Great memories! The first record I had, at age 4,was Peter and the Wolf. Tried to imitate the sound of the various instruments. Must have seemed like a rather odd child to some people...
Oh, Rog, thanks for not sending that matchbox.

Z said...

Rog, you've broken the spell, dear heart. LX, Tim and I were lost in our dreams.

Georgie, ooh, you were highbrow!

Tim said...

Oh, this is a rich vein, and not even Rog can break it - I vividly remember the matchbox thingie too. Nostalgia is what it used to be!
Not a conversation, BTW ... dialogue maybe? See mine in a minute.

Z said...

I meant the conversation I might, it's remotely possible, have with a friend. I agree, not the word for what goes on in a comment box.

Tim said...

Box ticked.

Z said...

I'm still all tingly, you know.

Bilbo said...

Dad had a shop when I was young, fixing Tvs, selling them and other electrics and also records so I was a bit spoilt for choice. I now have a large number of 'new' ones as he kept the stock when he sold the shop.
The first record I remember playing a lot (in the shop) is 'Roses of Picardy' - which I now don't want to hear again for other reasons. The first I owned were recordings of Snow White and other fairy tales.
I still like the music Dad played - Nat King Cole in particular but also Peggy Lee, Rosemary Clooney, Artie Shaw, Puccini.
I could go on (and often do) but won't.

Made my wife cry tonight when I played this video - I didn't mean to upset her but it has a similar effect on me. I'm sorry to have upset her but it's still worth watching and I usually like sharing with her.

Pat said...

Just been catching up. As I expected I don't really know your blog-meet friends but they seemed to go well. You are braver than I am.
Re posts at my greatest intoxication with blogging it was never meant to be more than three posts a week unless I was bursting. Now when it has become less exciting but still rewarding, I am thankful to feel free to write or not at will.

Macy said...

Mumbles... my first 45 was Elvis Costello....
Shuffling off because I can see me breaking the mood round here....

Z said...


ok, now you all know the way to Z's heart - well, one of the ways....

Yours seem to have been a success too, Pat - I think that we will have an instinct as to what will turn out well. If in doubt, avoid.

It's all right, Macy. You're young and impressionable, and we love you anyway.

luckyzmom said...

Loved Perry Como's TV show and him singing "Catch a falling star. Thanks for reminding me and making me smile. "Often sang Don't leave your chewing gum on the bedpost over night, as well as the Flying Purple People Eater. My Mom's favorite songster was Eddie Arnold and his "Make the World Go Away" was her favorite song.`