Friday 19 November 2010

Balancing act

So, either I waffle on generally about my fairly uneventful day, or I reminisce or I go off on one, in the more vulgar parlance (how is it that parlance always follows vulgar?) - which last I did this evening, only to find it was the dullest option of all.  Because, who cares, hey?

No darlings, it's still quiet.  But it seems to be a week of sadness.  My friend Val's sister has died, and so has my friend George's brother.  The first expected, the second a sudden shock.  Val's latest granddaughter is being christened tomorrow - Russian Orthodox - so it's a strange set of emotions for her.

I bought myself aniseed balls.  Well, you have to do something, don't you?  And I like old-fashioned sweets, liquorice, aniseed, sherbet and so on.  And I cooked a particularly nice dinner - albeit with leftovers.  We're still eating last Sunday's chicken.  I think I'll be eating it all weekend, as the Sage is off again.  He's going on a china picking-up trip and will be away from tomorrow (Saturday) to Monday.  I shall play loud music and watch too many DVDs and go to sleep cuddling a pillow.

Ooh, talking about sleep, we were a bit fitful last night.  By the time we were ready, it was about 1 am and I couldn't, so played Scrabble on the phone, which isn't a brilliant idea at that time as you forget your two-letter words.  We both kept waking each other up and I was awake from 4 anyway, and when I was ready to get up a couple of hours later, the Sage put his comforting arm around me, so of course we both fell asleep.  Then I woke again so played poker, and finally he woke up, looked at the clock, said "9.15 - heh!" and went straight back to sleep.  I exhaust him, darlings, I can't deny it.  But it's absolutely worth it.  I mean, you only have to look at him.


Dave said...

If you played Scrabble on FB you get a list of 2 letter words.

Christopher said...

Sherbet lemons, sherbet dip or one of those sherbet tubes with a licorice 'straw' to suck it up through? I think we should be told.

Z said...

I did put Scrabble on to FB but I haven't played it as yet. I don't know how to start a game for one thing, and for another, the likelihood of someone waking in the middle of the night and going on to FB at the moment I do for a game seems a bit optimistic. I know it doesn't have to happen in real time, that is, I can put in a word and leave it for them to come back, but that's not a lot of use when you can't sleep.

On the other hand, I could then memorise the new 2 letter words. Mine are a bit out of date.

Sherbet fountains! I loved them, Christopher. We weren't often allowed sweets when I was a child, but my mother liked sherbet fountains too, so sometimes we had one on a Saturday afternoon. They've got a silly plastic top on now though. As if anyone ever caught anything from eating an unprotected bit of liquorice. And they've ruined fruit gums.

Dave said...

I'm just off to FB now. Will challenge you to a game, to get you started. I won't be playing it in the early hours though.

Z said...

Thank you, Dave. I've no idea how to find this challenge though. I did have Scrabble up there, but it seems to have vanished. I'm feeling a bit dim.