Wednesday 16 November 2011


Right now, I have a dip in energy and it is terribly tempting to go to bed.  I know from experience that I will regret it, so I need to hang on for an hour, and then I'll bounce back.  At the moment, I'm doubting that I can, so I'll write as quickly as possible.

The Sage is out.  He has gone to pay a large cheque to the owner of the star lot, and other lots, in the last sale.  There is no regret in paying it, he will have his commission and never owned the items, but was just the expert agent.

Today, I went and bought some more plants, and now have several tubs and bowlsful in the porch, which is looking lovely.  Soon, of course, it will be too cold to want to sit in there, but no matter.  The jolly good thing is that cleaning is easy.  Sweep or wash the floor, and brush the debris outside.  No need to pick up.

I wonder if any of you clever people can identify this plant for me, please? -

Frost caught the flowers, though there are more buds.  The seed head is as spiky as it looks.  I feel that I recognise the leaves, but can't place them.  It's self-seeded.

Weeza came over today, I've spent a long time cuddling Hay and Gus, and being smiled at joyously.  I feel most wonderfully happy as a consequence.

And I have played the clarinet.  About an hour in total today.  Still rubbish, but I realise that my standards are rising.  In fact, my lips are not sore, I don't need a cigarette paper, my thumb doesn't hurt. I know all the notes again and am playing with much more assurance, although still not well.  I'm not ready to consider lessons, which would be too depressing, but not ready to give up either.

I have not had time to visit many blogs recently, and have commented on fewer.  I'm so sorry, I will catch up before too long.  In the meantime, I hope all is well with you, darlings.


Macy said...

Catching up on blogland myself Zoe, having decided to keep office work limited to 8 hours a day...

Z said...

Good plan, Macy.

Z said...

By the way, I should say that the leaves remind me of the datura that I had in a pot for several years before the frost overtook it. I can't remember it seeding, however. Does anyone know?

Blue Witch said...

Google does...

Mine have never made seed pods.

I'd dig it up and keep it very frost free. Brugmansias (daturas) aren't at all tolerant of frost. Plus I'd like a cutting ;)

Unknown said...

Hello Z. Had a self-seeded one of those come up in the garden - September time I think it was. I blogged it and was given the name. I can't remember what the proper name was, but I think one of the names for it was 'Thorn Apple'. I think I was also told that it is rather toxic, so keep the grandchildren away from it. Ours had large white flowers on it rather like a columbine.
Regards, Mike.

kippy said...

Moonflower is what it is commonly called here. The seed pod is very poisonous so keep the kiddos away from it. Big huge trumpet shaped flowers in the summer.

Ms Scarlet said...

Find a clarinet teacher! Music lessons are great fun... and the clarinet is similar to the sax with the fingering. which book are you learning from?

allotmentqueen said...

Just Googled datura and it seems to be something akin to LSD. Why were you growing it before, or shouldn't I ask?

Z said...

Thanks, that's it, then. In fact, it had survived several winters outside, eventually didn't make it, and this has grown this big in just a few weeks in recently cleared ground a few yards away from the tub it was in.

The flowers are lovely and heavily scented, I bought the original as part of the display (in tubs) I made for Weeza and Phil's wedding. Every part of it is poisonous, even including the nectar, apparently. I'm the least likely person to take a mind-altering drug. Self-control is my watchword.

I'll come back to your comment in today's post, Scarlet.