Saturday 19 November 2011

A glass of wine will greet Z's smiling face

Apart from some slight faffing about in the morning, because Wink left her phone at home and so we couldn't communicate and took a while to find each other, all went very well.  We met (eventually) at Trafalgar Square - I'd got to Liverpool St Station, the bus I wanted was at the stop and I leapt straight on - I sat in the sun reading for a while, just enjoying the warmth and we had a long and rather boozy lunch.  We both had the same to eat, mussels followed by sardines and a salad.  Then we went to the theatre.  The Pitmen Painters - if you have a chance to go, I recommend it, it's really good.

It occurs to me to mention, our lunch says a certain amount about us.  Not allergic to shellfish or iffy about such things (we both eat offal with gusto, too) and unbothered by whole lots of bones.  I, and I suppose she, like eating with my fingers and I like getting stuck in to fiddly food.  You see, summing up Z in a simple meal, and showing that sistership will out.

Afterwards, I had plenty of time, and it was a lovely mild evening.  I walked along the Embankment, past St Pauls, along Cheapside, past the Bank of England and so to the station again.  I bought some fruit to eat on the train and caught up on emails on the way home.

It was very foggy when I got back to my car, not easy to drive in.  I'd phoned the Sage from Ipswich, so that he could start cooking dinner and, as I came in the door, he was walking down the passageway with a glass of wine.  "Sit down, I'll bring your dinner on a tray."

All went rather well, actually.  And thanks to Wink for a lovely belated birthday present.


Liz said...

That sounds like a lovely day.

Rog said...

The lunch sounds like all my worst nightmares in one. Takes all sorts!

Eddie 2-Sox said...

What an idyllic day Z! I've seen publicity for Pitmen Painters but I don't think I could reconcile the play with my own knowledge of mining and miners. You lucky thing!

Z said...

I'm taking notes of what not to serve at the next party, Rog.

It's based on a real event, of course, Simon - if ever it comes near KL, let me know and I'll take you to see it.

It was a delight, Liz.

Wink said...

Lovely day and best company in the world - who can ask for more!