Sunday 17 October 2010

Z is alone

This is a first for me.  I don't think I've ever spent a night entirely alone in the house in my life.  It may be almost beyond belief but, although I haven't had a dog for my whole life, in the few years I haven't, I had children at home so when the Sage was away, someone else was here.  I'm not afraid of being alone or anything - just saying.

Actually, I've just being screaming down the phone at the Sage for twenty minutes.  He was oblivious (I've got a really sore throat now) - he had put away his mobile without cancelling the call.  Since I pay his bill, I wasn't at all keen on the idea of paying for hours he hadn't actually used.  I tried ringing Wink's mobile and it was switched off, and in the end caught them when they got back to her place.  The Sage often does this when using my phone and doesn't believe me when I tell him.

Anyway, I've taken the wall pictures at last, and I'll add them to the last Wall post, day 50.  Dave is quite upset at the thought of losing a day's record - if I hadn't done it myself, I'm sure he'd have brought his camera along next time and taken photos.

It was Harvest Festival today and a lot of people turned up for the service, and all stayed for coffee and cakes afterwards.  Fortunately, I'd made lots and so had Brenda, which was very kind as I was on the rota for today and not her.  It all went well and then I came home, wrote a letter for the Sage and then he set off for Wiltshire.  He has a magneto that has lost its magnetism and there isn't anywhere locally that can put it right now, but he knows somewhere in Swindon.  It's for a 90+-year-old stationary engine.

I looked after the children this afternoon while Al and Dilly saw to the bees - they've been waiting for a sunny and reasonably warm day.  They were concerned that I'd be alone for the evening and wanted to invite me in for dinner, but they didn't happen to have any food in and weren't sure what they were eating themselves - fortunately, I'd bought a chicken which was a bit stupid for one person, so I cooked dinner for all of us.  They're doing lasagne for tomorrow and have invited me.

I shall go and add photos to BOTW - Day 50.


DILLIGAF said...

I'm back....I love you so please come back to me...

I am really back. Trust me. I'm from Oldham x's food! You eat it. If you don't I will eat it.

Anonymous said...

Phone riot ...

martina said...

If you lived nearby I would have brought the dogs and a bottle of wine over.

Dave said...

I am planning to bring my camera anyway, as I keep meaning to take some photos of the church.

Z said...

I never left, 4D darling. I shall come and visit - which I do, whenever you write a post, whether I comment or not.
Always enough food to share.

Wish you did, Martina!

You are always tactful, Dave.

Katherine, that's thoughtful, thank you. I have realised that my sore throat is because of a cold, not just shouting down the phone!