Friday 1 October 2010

Z gets out the clippers

I'm steeling myself to cut Tilly's toenails.  She has black claws, so it's difficult to tell where to cut.  I could take her to the vet each time, of course, but she'd hate it and she might as well be more relaxed on her own sofa.

It's a busy few days at present, with a lot of visitors.  More or less business callers in the main, although most of our clients are friends too, after all these years.  The cake and flapjacks have all been eaten - Pugsley finished the last of it at dinner time.  Squiffany chose strawberries instead.  He didn't spend the night but decided that he wanted to be home with his mummy - he was quite happy about it and so was his sister, until after lights out, when I found her crying for her brother.  I comforted and cuddled her and left her reading for a while longer, and when I returned she was asleep with the book still in her hands.  She's in the room next to ours, so we'll hear her if she wakes in the night.  I might leave a light on in the bathroom in fact - if she does get up, it will be confusing.

I've only just finished work for the evening and am finally relaxing with some music.  I mostly play the same few albums at present, four or five of them.  When I'm busy, I don't seem to want variety.  It's Tom Waits' Alice tonight.

It has, as forecast, rained this afternoon and evening.  Dave assures me that the forecast is fine for tomorrow; let's hope it's correct.  The Sage and I put a new lead on the cement mixer and checked that it's working.  We've got more callers in the afternoon and then the Harvest Supper in the evening.  I've got easy jobs this year - baking the potatoes, providing a cheeseboard and a fruit salad.  I've been let off helping to lay tables and setting up the room because of the bricklaying plans.

I didn't say yesterday, it was Dora's birthday.  Ro went round to her house during the day (her landlady lent him a key) to bake her a cake and arrange flowers.


Dave said...

The sun is shining here.

Z said...

And here, Dave.

Rog said...

Oz has offered to come round and do Tilly's toenails on the sofa.

He's a bit weird...

Roses said...

It's been a lovely day here. Hope you got everything done that you needed to.

Hugs my darling.

Christopher said...

Cake, flapjack and glad to see P and S exercising such exquisite taste.

Z said...

He just wants a place on the sofa, doesn't he.

We did, Roses. Post to come as soon as - well, as soon as I've written it.

In fact, Chris, I hadn't realised that there was a little cake left, so Dave and the Sage were able to finish it after lunch.