A treat today, a little glimpse of the Man Himself in action. Here you are.
And a couple of photos -
Dave is due to come back tomorrow afternoon (the Sage has found out that there's a chance I'll make cakes for tea if we're building in the afternoon, so he's encouraging that) but we're not sure there's much I'll be able to do. It's getting to a height I can only just manage, though I expect I can still do a dozen or so bricks before I'm sent back to the kitchen where I belong.
The installing of the new London boiler seems to have been sorted out okay, but as at any time when something is taken out and replaced, the fittings aren't quite the same, which means some making good will be required. I can't bother the tenant again - he's sent some photos which are useful, but I don't feel able to ask him to take measurements as he's put himself out enough already, and besides one just has to see and evaluate it. So I think I'll go down next week, do some preliminary work and measure up and the Sage will go down after that and do the carpentry. I want to go to several exhibitions this autumn so it will be no hardship as long as the trains don't get delayed or cancelled.
The Sage has been shopping again, both from a dealer and privately. He's spent about as much as I have on the boiler and gas checks etc. He's had more fun. I think I'll have to have a mini-spree myself. Mind you, I'm enjoying the music Ro passed on to me. For the last few days I've been obsessed with Tom Waits' Alice, which is fabulous. Yes, I know it came out in 2002 or something. That doesn't mean I have to have heard it before, does it? I'm usually at least a decade behind-hand, this is rather efficient for me. I'll see Ro at the weekend, I'll thank him again. Of the music he gave me, I still have to learn to love Nick Cave.
What a treat - moving Dave!
But what's that thing with the bubble in it he's waiving about?
It's something spiritual. I expect he's blessing the wall.
What I like is that Dave waves his arm in satisfaction, even though he didn't know I was filming him at that moment. He's just a natural showman.
And so he should! I was on tenter-hooks. It's phenomenal. I mean, what are the odds?
He's a natural. He deserved chocolate cake.
Quite Rog....I always had the notion he might be one of those shop manequins, and z was just moving hm around the garden.
I remember an old song we used to sing in the air raid shelters.
"Bless the Wall, Bless the wall,
the long and the short and the tall"
Air raid shelters??! exactly how old are you Rog? haha
If you like Tom - and who wouldn't - Nick will grow on you.
I'm terribly impressed with the wall. Where will it all end?
I'm reminded of 'Another brick in the wall.'
Pink Floyd I think.
Dave can be quite animated on occasion. But don't let Rog's youthful and sprightly demeanour mislead you Sarah - he's quite ancient really.
It took me about three years, Pat, before I listened to Neutral Milk Hotel and suddenly got it. I like the slow growers, you gain more in the long run.
Ah, sleepness nights. I could tell you one or two things about those...
And I discern from the comments that the big gap in the middle of your post was where a movie of some kind could be found, if this here municipal library computer was capable of showing such things. Never mind, I can have a look at home later, possibly at 4AM this morning if last night is anything to go by..
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