Thursday 2 April 2009

Z isn't that good at communication, herself

Um, the Alexander saga continues. If you're a tenant, please communicate with your landlord. It's all about communication. *sigh*

Anyhoo, the news of the day is that it's Al's birthday. Happy birthday, Al. Pity you're not well enough to enjoy it. His ear doesn't hurt, but he still has a dreadful cough and can't manage a full day at work. Well, he did yesterday, but he felt decidedly ropy by the end of it and I took over for a few hours today. As always, the customers were lovely and several of them engaged me in earnest garden-related conversation.

It was cold today though - that is, compared to yesterday when it was sunny and springy. I put on a warm coat and was glad to find fingerless gloves in the pocket. At ten past four, the sun came out and all three customers in the shop spontaneously cheered. I walked home, which should be no big deal - it's only a mile and a half - but I had a heavy shopping bag and I found myself limping by half-way home. I'm fine now though, it doesn't last.

If you've written to me, I will reply. Sorry, I'm still so behind with things. The catalogues have arrived for our next sale - the pictures aren't up to scratch, disappointingly, don't know why they're a bit fuzzy. We okayed the PDF proof, but they said it was low-quality and just for the layout, so the added fuzz was in the printing. It's adequate, but not good.

Oh, I earned a hug and a kiss from my younger son this evening. We'd been talking about liquorice the other evening and today I bought him some nice tough hard liquorice sticks. He didn't expect it and he was awfully pleased. He offered me one, but I said I'd bought an extra one and eaten it on the way home.


martina said...

Hope Al feels better soon, belated birthday greetings.
I'll be emailing you re: garden related stuff in a few days Z.

Dave said...

Too late to say happy birthday, and I'm afraid my brain isn't functioing well enough (I took some drugs yesterday) to say anything witty. So I'll say nothing.

Diane said...

Being in the shop when the sun came out and everyone cheered would be to me one of those amazing moments. Sounds like you're in and out of spring there. Stay warm and have a beautiful day. Diane

Z said...

I haven't answered your last, Martina, sorry. Write again and I'll reply properly to the lot!

You old hippy, Dave. You can't keep off those drugs. (Sorry you're in pain, really, sweetie xx)

It was, Diane, all spontaneous and cheerful! Yes, it's not *that* cold, but after the lovely warm sun on Sunday it's been changeable this week and we love nothing better than to grumble about our weather, in a proprietorial and affectionate sort of way.