Friday 17 April 2009

Decisions, decisions

Apologetically had to abandon Wink today, as I had a meeting in the village in the afternoon and another here this evening. To make up for it, I took her, with Weeza and Zerlina for lunch at the local nice restaurant. I had scallops, so did Wink and Weeza had duck. Zerlina had some vegetable number brought along by her mother, and fromage frais. Tonight, Dilly did pizza and salad for us all so that I didn't have to cook before my meeting.

It was a decisive meeting. I did written notes beforehand, which is useful I find as you don't have to start with a lot of explanations, and I'd done a whole lot of research on the internet this afternoon, for which I got more credit than I deserved as it wasn't much trouble. As a result, we have decided to spend some of the church's money (we received a bequest) and I will be putting in various orders in the next day or two. We've been given a second-hand fridge to replace the one that's just gone wrong, so that's a help.

Wink will be leaving tomorrow after lunch. I'll miss her, it's been lovely that she's had nearly a week with us. Our friend Daphne rang today, asking if she can come and stay next week, so there will be a quicker than usual change around of bedclothes in the spare room. Time was, you know, when I did all that sort of thing at once, as a matter of course. I thought I was busy but, looking back, it all seems to have been a lot more leisurely.

I potted up another trayful of tomatoes, but there are still three more to go and I haven't started on the peppers or aubergines yet. I still have the squashes to pot up and more to sow, and runner beans to sow too. Four trays of broad beans - 48 plants - are going down to the shop for sale tomorrow morning. There's about another 10 trayfuls coming on. I'll keep some for myself of course. I like broad beans.

I finally opened the envelope with my holiday itinerary and ticket and find that I'll be getting back to Norwich about midnight at the end of the trip, so we've arranged that the Sage will leave my car in the car park the day before and come home with Ro, so that I don't drag him over in the middle of the night. I've also been mulling over what I need to buy and take and I hope to have a brief shopping spree in Norwich on Tuesday - I have a 2 hour chink there, so if I skip lunch that will be plenty of time. Daphne will arrive on Wednesday, I'll look after Pugsley on Thursday and it's our auction on Friday. I'll pack on Saturday. Or Sunday afternoon. Yes, that's more likely.


Dave said...

You have punctuated this so precisely that I find it impossible to wilfully misunderstand you.

lom said...

you busy bee you. I like broad beans too, emmmm I think I will have some with my tea.

Z said...

Oh Dave, what a pity. I'll try to do better another time, with hilarious resultant misunderstandings.

LOM, I write it all down to keep a focus!

luckyzmom said...

I love to imagine. Thanks for sharing.

Z said...

Hello darling - lovely to hear from you.