Thursday 24 May 2012


I do enjoy the Thursday Music class.  I know these pupils better as I sometimes can't get to the Tuesday one, but I like them too.  There are some lively characters, but when their interest is engaged they work hard.  One boy, who did very well indeed with Unsquare Dance last time, asked me for help with Tubular Bells (indeed, I can't get the bloody thing out of my head).  I spent ten minutes coaching and encouraging him, then he declared he'd got it.  All he needed was to practise he said, waving me away.  Then he realised and apologised for being dismissive.  I assured him that I hadn't taken offence - and it was only because he was so intent on his work.

I was busy this morning, so it was just as well I have an alert come up on my phone ten minutes before I'm due to leave for Meals on Wheels.  One lady is in hospital so her meals have been cancelled - except that the Sage promised to tell the cafe (without the é is correct, it's a caff and a very good one) and he forgot, so I had a meal over.  So I paid for it and ate it.  Very nice too, turkey with carrot, cabbage and potatoes and then rhubarb crumble and custard.  The Sage was out for lunch, having a guided tour round Adnams, one of the perks of being a shareholder.  He wanted me to come, but I had to say that I didn't have time.  If he'd given me more warning than two days then I could possibly have made it, but he always thinks a surprise is a good idea.  He's always wrong in that regard, I don't really like surprises - that is, tell me there's a surprise in the offing and I'll be very happy.  It's a surprise I'm not prepared for that I don't have much time for, often literally.

24th May was a Thursday in 1973, too.


Sir Bruin said...

I was going to say something here, but I'll leave it for now and surprise you with it later.

allotmentqueen said...

That was always the trouble with Tubular Bells - it could rattle around in your head for ages.

Would "Happy Anniversary" be appropriate today?

Unknown said...

Congratulations to you both.

Roses said...

*runs off to put Tubular Bells on*

You are marvellous what you do with the kids. And that you encouraged him to that degree...excellent.

And you are such a busy lady, I'm not surprised you don't have time for impromptu invitations.

I'm really excited about tomorrow.

Z said...

That's the sort of surprise for me, dear heart!

I'm carefully not thinking about it, AQ, don't want it there again today.

Yes indeed, 39 years. My sister sent a card (which reminded the Sage to go and buy me something) but the rest of the family forgot - we're not really fussed about anniversaries, so doesn't matter.

I'm not much good, really, they'll be composing next time and I am not much help there. But something practical I can help with.

Me too. Mig and Tim will be here for supper tonight, so I'm making lasagne, as being about the simplest thing to do at this stage. I'm so on schedule that I must have completely forgotten something and will have a mad panic later.

Rog said...

I read that as "a mad picnic later"

Blue Witch said...

My weather spell is holding up, hurrah!

A demain dear heart.

Z said...

That too, Rog.

Can't wait, BW