Friday 25 May 2012


Wink and Mig are here and Tim is staying down the road.  Looking forward to seeing many of you tomorrow, when I'll think of absent friends too.

I had an unexpected letter from a friend today, who I used to see often in Norwich when we were on the same committee.  I recognised his writing at once on the envelope (yes, darlings, a real hand-written letter!) and it was such a pleasure.  It's horribly easy to lose touch a bit and blogging is the only way I communicate regularly with most people, though I am reasonably good at emailing friends once in a while.  Twice, even, if they're very good friends.

I'm so looking forward to tomorrow...oh, I said that.  Well, so I am.  I've had a very relaxed day today, I'd done most of the preparatory work I could and spent quite some time sitting outside in the sun reading the papers.  Never let it be said that I miss an opportunity to relax.


LẌ said...

Have a wonderful party.

Marion said...

I hope you all have a wonderful time tomorrow. But I already know that you will.

Z said...

Thank you, darlings. The sun is shining, it's a lovely day,

Unknown said...

Have a lovely time. I'm sorry I can't be there. xx