The nice person sent me the photos - not everything in detail but you get the idea. Please don't make *funny* phone calls to him - though really funny ones would be fine.
I'm well behind on blog-reading, but the first two I read when I came home from church entertained me enough to tell you about. Peter is always great, if sometimes lugubrious to say the least. His hill-walking puts me to shame, I can't do hills any more. Even Norfolk hills tax me. I chortled mightily at the Three-legged Cat, particularly her Thursday and Friday posts (yeah, I get behind in my reading). And not today, but in the past week, my friend LZM has been telling us about her recent hip operation, using a photo from the meme I gave her as a starting point. Scroll down to Chapter One and work up.
All these, I felt as if I was there being told the anecdotes in person. Great. I hardly bother reading fiction books now, after a lifetime of addiction. I start so many and finish so few. You are all better than most books published these days. With the advantage that I now have friends and acquaintances all over the place.
Well thank you kindly, Mrs Z. (Never quite sure how to address someone with a single letter name :)
Lugubrious indeed! Had no idea what that meant, but now that I do I really must improve myself. Dictionary.com wasn't all that imformative, to be honest. Does it just mean miserable old git, or are there nuances?
Looking forward to reading your blog more thoroughly when I get a mo. Cheers, Peter
imformative=informative, of course. Damn this lugubrious keyboard.
I answer to anything at all, Peter, even when the Z is pronounced unexpectedly. Nuances, certainly. And thanks for dropping in.
*Still avoiding fruit and veg puns*
I too get rather behind with my reading at times, in fact I was also catching up with your blog yesterday.
I love the pictures - both Halloween and Nativity. My local greengrocer just has big piles of fruit and veg in the window. Very appetising and quite pretty, but not nearly as creative as Al's displays.
At least, thanks to RSS feeds, one can catch up quite easily.
Al has a daily display outside the shop too, which takes ages. It takes me a good hour, though he can do it quicker.
Here is a picture of the outside - it's not always as beautifully displayed as this though.
"Oops" said the Three-Legged Cat, who had forgotten that she was logged into Blogger as her school self, with her own name, when she commented on Z's lovely blog.
So that's my alter ego revealed then. Bah.
Anyway, both of my selves like the pics.
I'd realised and tactfully not mentioned it, Cat!
Well, I'm obviously behind on my reading. I hadn't thought it would take so much of my time to write about my "hippy" adventure, though I did wonder why it was taking me so long to get around to writing about it. I sometimes think I should hurry to the happily ever after (which I don't feel is the case today), but I keep remembering something else that seems essential.
Thanks for being there for me.
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