Sunday 2 November 2008

By the way

Greyhounds again tomorrow, but just while it's on my mind...

I have spoken to the other two people doing the food with me for WI on Tuesday evening. One looked slightly alarmed as she doesn't really cook. So she's bringing the tea, coffee and milk. I said, hopefully, that she can bring either instant or real coffee as there are cafétières there and she said that's all right, she's got instant. I gritted my teeth as I said that'd be fine. Then this evening, I rang the other person. She said that unfortunately she's got an art class on Tuesday so she can't come, but she'll make some sandwiches and send them along. "Fine," I said airily. "I'll do something else savoury and a cake or something and that will be ... fine."

It's not the first time I've found myself doing most (occasionally all) of the food. Pity I've got a meeting all morning, but there we go. I wonder what will be in the sandwiches.

I'm thinking I'll do some bite-size crôutes and top them with various things, such as mushroom in cream and wine, a tomato/onion mixture, scrambled egg or things like that, some cucumber slices topped with salmon pâté and some tiny cheese scones topped with cheese. Then I'll do some discs of chocolate and top them with chocolate mousse and some mini meringues filled with cream and fruit - half grape or blueberry, and some tiny bite-sized iced cakes.

Yes, it's chi-chi, but as long as it tastes good, I don't think it matters. And it's pretty and not much work and I can do quite a lot of it tomorrow. But I'm open to suggestions.


Dandelion said...

This old rag?

luckyzmom said...

Wonder Woman has come to the rescue.

Anonymous said...

fish paste and sausage rolls

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing marmite in the sandwiches. They will go beautifully with the instant coffee. Ugh.

Good job they have you to keep things civilised.

Dave said...

I've got a bag of sausage rolls here, that I salvaged from a family do at the weekend. They may be a bit soggy now, but I'm sure no-one will notice.

Hope this helps.

Z said...

Fair enough, Dandy. No, I'll credit the others - and the non -cooking one, I suggested she do the drinks anyway, though if I'd known about the other, I'd have asked her for some food, probably smoked salmon sandwiches because I know she can make them. I'm not criticising her certainly - she's retired from a high-powered job that I could never have done.

Sausage rolls, lovely ... home made? And I like Marmite!

Anonymous said...

and homemade vol-au-vents too? hot?

Dandelion said...

vol-au-vents! lovely! i'm gonna do some for my dinner. cheers ad.

z - never say never

Z said...

Just for you, Ad - though you're allowed to share.

What, never, Dand?