Monday 31 December 2007

Doesn't time ... go at its usual steady and even pace?

I always think the whole New Year's Eve malarky is a bit overrated and artificial. Whilst Christmas is, when it arrives, usually a family occasion and doesn't have to be an orgy of overindulgence, the whole point of NYE seems to be wild celebration of ... what? The stroke of midnight? It doesn't actually feel like a fresh new year, burgeoning with possibilities, with any disappointments or mishaps swept away. It's just another day, and usually a cold one.

I've had some splendid NYEs of course, usually at friends' houses - though one occasion I remember was considerably marred by the unfortunate bout of flu that our hostess suffered from. We went for dinner and she had grimly cooked a delicious meal, which we ate at about 9.30 and finished around 11 and then we all sat trying to pretend that she actually wanted us to be there - one can hardly break up the party early on that particular night. A particularly delicious single malt was produced at midnight, we all slurped it down appreciatively and then sloped off at about 20 past - leaving her husband to do the clearing away before his early morning start ... as a livestock farmer, a morning in bed was out of the question.

We had a party ourselves on New Year's Eve 1999, which did work well. There was an hiatus around 2 am for a while, for a brief rest, before we set off in a body for the East coast, to see the dawn of 2000. We took a camp stove, bacon and eggs and thermoses of hot water and we all breakfasted on Dunwich cliff. This is a few miles south of Ness Point in Lowestoft, the most easterly point of the British Isles, but there is nothing interesting or decorative about Ness Point. There were lots of other people at Dunwich too, on a similar mission. The bacon was not very crispy - we hadn't quite allowed for the chilling effect of the wind in trying to heat a frying pan, but no matter.

Tonight is another family doo. We are invited to fireworks and chilli at 6 pm, so as to include the children, and then a convivial evening is promised, to include the delightful company of Dilly's family.

Tomorrow, we will go to another party, which starts with mulled cider (the local Cyder Club's best efforts), continues with a walk - I'll tell you how many miles when I get back: up until now I've always done the long walk ... we'll see - and then goes on to gallons of home-made soups, cheese and rather a lot more to drink.

Happy New Year, everyone.


Dave said...
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Dave said...

I can never get very excited about a change from one day to another very similar. As I'm an early to bed early to rise sort of chap, I rarely bother to stay up to see it in.

Besides, I did my midnight slot for the year a week ago, managing to time the service just right so that at the stroke of midnight we were singing the words 'strikes for us now the hour of grace, Saviour, since thou art born.'

I will still wish you all a happy new year over at my place, bright and early tomorrow morning. Probably.

Z said...

Meeting you in person, was certainly one of the pleasures of 2007, Dave.

badgerdaddy said...

Hiya. Just stopping by to wish you, you know... An excellent 2008. And my love to all your family.

A friend of mine from round these parts back in the day is in the church somewhere round your way, a Mr Spencer - so I directed him to Al's shop to sample his wares, hope he drops in.

Have a lovely evening, but more importantly, make sure they're all lovely. x

Malcolm Cinnamond said...

New Year 2000 sounded terrific, as does tonight's little get-together, although isn't it going to be a bit of a long evening?

Never been much for NYE myself, but it's our first Hogmanay, so I'll report back.

Happy New Year

dharmabum said...

just another day, yes, z. not too cold here though :)

warm wishes

heybartender said...

I heartily agree. I never really feel any sense of renewal- more exhaustion than anything else. And it is followed rather closely by my birthday, which is another thing I don't much care about either way(I usually joke that my mom should get the gifts on my birthday, since I only barely showed up and she did all the work). I think if it were up to me I would have the big New Years celebration at the Spring equinox.

Girlplustwo said...

happy new year to you, too, lovely z.

Kathryn said...

happy new year, Z!

luckyzmom said...

Here to wish that 2008 will be filled with delight for you.

We have attended three New Years Eve events in the 31 years we've been married. Usually he will fall asleep around ten or so and I will be reading when the fireworks and noise starts. Since he entered this gaming business over 8 years ago, he has worked every NYE. He went off about an hour ago as "tdah" as ever in his Air Force mess dress. Sigh*)....that's tall, dark and handsome. I took pictures. I will see if I can figure out how to post one before next year!

Z said...

Three years ago, I was in Madras right now.

How do we know said...

Happy New Year to you too! I am at a place where the net is really bad!

I agree with u about the overrated new year thingie.

Pat said...

I think it's one of those ghastly times where one feels duty bound to be jolly and they are a nightmare if you are feeling a bit sad. I couldn't be aased to stay up having had champers early -like 5pm - wanted nothing more than a quiet read in bed. I welcome the new year and hope it will be good for all of us - and especially you.