Monday 23 April 2007

The flesh is weakening

I do have time to write, but I'm flagging a bit. The Sage hopes his meeting will be over about 8.30, so I'm planning dinner for 8.40. Very simple: grilled fish, new Cornish potatoes (from Al, not brought home by me) and spring cabbage, then raspberries, strawberries and blueberries (all Spanish, of course) with clotted cream, which I did bring home. Astonishing that I remembered, as it has been kept in three different fridges on successive nights, and remembered each morning.

I don't usually buy strawberries out of season, but just for once...

I spent some of the afternoon in the greenhouse, potting up aubergines. I have 27 plants, which is more than I'll need, so Al can sell some. He's sold all the spare tomatoes, and has potted up side shoots, which are rooting. Most things are fine, except that the flat french beans (variety Hunter) didn't germinate very well. I am sure that is because it was too hot. French beans are quite temperamental, regarding temperature. I'll see if I can get some more

The farmer has brought a couple more cows - there were 4 originally, 2 of them heifers (cows which haven't yet calved, although these are - hopefully - in calf). One of the new ones isn't very well with a lung infection. She has been treated with antibiotics, but still has a bad cough. She came here last year and calved successfully, but hasn't done well over the winter. The farmer is giving her a last chance, by sending her on holiday to our tranquil fields, but he is concerned that she will not make it. We'll cosset her. The weather is mild and the land free-draining, so this is a good place for her.

Squiffany was happy to see me. I brought her books, a shell from a beach and a small bag of chocolates ... she didn't really know about chocolate until this Easter, when she suddenly developed a taste for it. Dilly has rationed them out, at one per day, but now she thinks that every day is chocolate day. However, generously, she gave one to her mother and one to me, which I shared with Grandpa, not to take too many of them. She asked, most charmingly, for a second one for herself - "Ask Mummy" I said cravenly. Mummy agreed that a second chocolate was permissible for a special occasion. They had brought me flowers, isn't it lovely to be welcomed home?

Time to scrub those potatoes. The next post - whether today or tomorrow - will be on the Value of My Marriage, which Penny asked me to write several weeks ago. I've had time to think while I was away which, you'll be happy to know, will shorten the earlier-written draft considerably. Because it's simple, really.


The Boy said...

Yes, LL bought some raspberries and blueberries this weekend as well. Something about spring requires berries, its all prepping the tongue I think.

Yes, my Princess just gained the taste for chocolate in the last couple months. Thankfully she too is still at the polite sharing phase (long may it continue)

Z said...

Imported raspberries have a good flavour, even out of season, but Spanish strawberries, however good they look, aren't up to much. Still, as you say, people start to crave them at this time of year, especially when it's sunny.

Until recently, Squiffany had hardly tasted chocolate and was quite unimpressed by it. At her play groups, however, little chocolate eggs were handed out before Easter and it was made clear that these were a delicious treat, and so she discovered that this is true.

A wildlife gardener said...

I'm looking forward to reading about the next blog...the value of your marriage.

Z said...

Writing it Right Now, WG. It's turning out quite long, after all...