I turned round
The Lizard
I'm not that good about looking over cliffs, and I found the sight of those crosses worrying.
So, of course, I went right to the edge and leaned over, for what's the use of fear?
Wild garlic and thrift, very pretty
More flowers and seaside tomorrow. Today, I have delighted you long enough
Great photos. Some Cornish coves used to terrify me - especially when the children were little. It is quite a different beauty to Devon.
I used to be blithe and unafraid before I had children, now this sort of thing gives me vertigo.
I didn't do more photos on Sunday as I'd written three posts already, and enough is sometimes too much.
Are those crosses like the ones we have here in the American South, which mark the scene of an untimely death (or two, or three) by auto accident? Weird spot for 'em. Might make you think twice about getting too close to the edge.
Lovely, lovely photos, by the way. i am finally catching up on my blog reading.
It was well away from the car park, so I should think people had either fallen or jumped.
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