Monday 18 July 2011

Body paint

I have, I find, reverted to my old self and am unable to phone the friends we want to invite to our party in a fortnight's time.  The Sage is doing it.  I'm not, as you may have gathered, feeling very cheerful and I don't really want to talk to people very much.  I'm not great with the phone at the best of times, whereas the Sage loves it, so he doesn't mind.  I will, of course, be fine long before the party time, so I don't want to cancel it.

This morning, I woke at about 6.15, lay there for a few minutes feeling too hot and decided to get up.  Downstairs, I found that it was actually not quite half past five.  I've got some work to do that I didn't have time for over the weekend so I should have done that, but in fact I read the Sunday papers instead.  The result is that it's now 9 o'clock and I am not even dressed and haven't done any work, so early rising has turned out to be counter-productive.

And so now, I'm going to get dressed and then find the right music to put me in a better frame of mind.  Two of the letters I have to write are to give people good news, then a formal one confirming it, and then a letter of condolence.

After the things at the school this afternoon, I am going over to see Weeza's bump, which is being painted.  Yes, that's right.


allotmentqueen said...

Hope you feel better soon. Hugs.

Pat said...

You'll no doubt be joining me for a nap after lunch today?

Ms Scarlet said...

I think there is a 'blue' bug going round. I felt, and was much the same yesterday. I feel a slight improvement today, but that's because I've forced myself to do stuff [i.e get washed and dressed].
Are we going to get a pic of Weeza's bump?

Z said...

Thank you. I've been clearing up some work and baby-cuddling this morning, which has to be good. Unfortunately, there's no time for a nap this afternoon.

I don't know if Weeza will let me - or if it will feel too weird on my part. I'll take my camera, anyway.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the phone thing. I don't like it much at the best of times, and there are times when I just don't answer it at all. Hope you're feeling brighter soon xx

Unknown said...

Emulsion or gloss? Pink or blue? We need to know!

Rog said...

Don't use blue paint - it will make things worse!

kippy said...

Friends and I had the blue bug this weekend too. Hope that bug leaves us all very soon.
What was the bump painting style? Impressionist, Modern, Graffiti?

lom said...

What has?

Christopher said...

Could we perhaps learn one day why W's. bump has to be painted? Maybe it would cheer everyone up.

Or was it not mere coloration but a portrait? I hadn't thought of that. How very original.

Unknown said...

I suppose Christopher, that everyone would like to keep a record of the most outstanding thing about them?