Tuesday 24 May 2011

38 years, and 6 years

Today is our wedding anniversary.  We both forgot, until I had a text from a friend with congratulations - I'd told her last week, saying that it was quite likely that Ofsted would come to call either on our anniversary or the baby's birthday.  The Sage took me out to lunch, to the caff in Yagnub.  Later, he bought me flowers.

I went to Norwich, intending to buy myself a present from him and possibly even buy him a present from me.  I wasn't in the mood, sad to say, and bought clothes for the baby instead.  I felt a bit emotional actually, buying tiny baby things, and am starting to get very excited.

I did buy an electric mixer, a hand one to replace my very old one that is starting to make slightly grindy noises.  I also bought a chopping board and some staples.  Not staple foods, actual staples to go in a stapler.

Anyway, I'd only been home a few minutes when the Sage called from the door to say someone had come to see us.  I went to investigate, wondering why he'd shut the door - it was to give me a surprise.  It was the piano tuner, with news of my pianola.

It's a lovely piano with a very good tone and I spent my childhood happily pedalling when I wasn't playing the keys.  It looks almost like an ordinary piano - actually, look at this one here and it's very like the one at the top of the page.  The two doors at the top front slide apart and you insert a perforated paper roll, then you slide another door at the bottom front and a pair of pedals can be pulled out and down and, as you pedal, the roll goes round and the music plays.

When my mother died, we found that the mechanism had rather fallen apart, she hadn't told us about it though it must have upset her.  The piano itself still worked fine, but we asked the piano tuner about getting it restored.  Knowing him and how long it takes to get things done, I reckoned on four years.  In fact, he picked it up in his truck in January 2005.  I know just when it was, because I last went to India on 28th December 04, two days after the tsunami, and returned three weeks later, and as I came down the drive, the pianola was being taken away.  It's been rather a saga, but it's finally been returned to him with the mechanism mended and now the strings are being - I don't know, mended, replaced, whatever.  He reckons that another two months and it will be good as new.  It will be brilliant.  And expensive, I daresay.  I didn't like to ask.  I'm going to buy that iPad while I can still afford it.


Z said...

I know, I'll go and use my new mixer to make the Sage a cake for our anniversary.

Christopher said...

Happy anniversary! - and maybe among the pianola rolls you can find the Anniversary Waltz?

Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Z:
Our warmest congratulations to you both. We hope that you have a lovely evening!

Z said...

I don't think we have, Chris. They are old songs like Drake is *sailing*? Westward and musicals like No No Nanette. I can sing along with all of them.

The main difficulty is where on earth to put it. I have a bookcase where my old piano was (this never was moved here from my mother's house, but when it went for repair I gave my piano to Al and Dilly) and the pianola, being slightly wider and deeper, wouldn't fit anyway. I'm afraid a piece of furniture is going to have to go.

Thank you for the congrats.

Dave said...

I never forgot our anniversary. Mind you, the 18th June is also the anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo, so it was unlikely I'd forget.

Z said...

38 years is a long time to bear a date in mind. And of course, every day that the Sage and I are together is a celebration. Ahem.

Thanks, Ad.

savannah said...

congratulations, sugar! and good luck with finding a spot of the pianola! xoxox

luckyzmom said...

We own a player piano from England that my husband bought from almost 38 years ago from someone who had had it restored. So, you have been married as long as my husband has owned his pianola. It was also electrified, though the pedals still work. We have a stack of rolls about 2 foot by 5 foot. So great at a party!

Happy Anniversary!

Blue Witch said...

Happy anniversary, rather belatedly, but I had other flowers to see, sorry.

Z said...

Thank you all.

I don't know anyone else with a player piano, LZM, yet another thing that we have in common!

I used to go to Chelsea every year and loved it, but it's been a long time now. Maybe I'll have time one day!