Monday 5 April 2010

Z is Useless

Well certainly, if we were fortunate enough to have a lovely day, I'd be out in the garden.  And if the sun shone a bit, I might spend a couple of hours in the greenhouse.  There's a lot of potting up to do and I will have to do it tomorrow.  I might even be all hearty and energetic and go for a bike ride, if it were not for a chilly wind.  As it is, however, I'm taking the opportunity to do pretty well nothing.  I'm lounging about eating chocolate, listening to Jimi Hendrix and reading.  It's an ideal opportunity, being a Bank Holiday and I haven't the least anxiety that I ought to be doing something useful.

At least I'm awake, which can't be said for the Sage.

I suppose I'm easily entertained.


Rog said...

...and the wind cries Zowie.

Z said...

Oh, very good, Rog. You are quick-minded.

Dave said...

You've grown another eye.

Z said...

All the better to watch you with, my dear.

Anonymous said...

That is a nice photo - you are looking at the camera this time.

I have done a little pottering, but not a lot. Enough to make me feel I have done something.

Christopher said...

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to lounge about doing not much?

Super photo. Much nicer than Cyclops we had once.

savannah said...

enjoy y'all's bank holiday, sugar! everyone needs to take the one off day every now and then! xoxoxo

Z said...

Thank you - were were all grinning like cheesemongers in yesterday's photos, with hair blowing all over our faces. I really only like my left eye and two of my teeth, but I'm learning to live with the rest of me.

You're restricting me to one day, Savannah darling?

Z said...

That fell in between 'we were' and 'we're'

Z said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zig said...

has he woken up yet?

Anonymous said...

Sofa, chokolate, HEndrix!
And a who-dunnit.

Congratulation to the photograph - and for using it here: mutig.

And very nice.

luckyzmom said...

I spent pretty much the whole of yesterday reading a gripping mystery novel and stopped only because I couldn't keep my eyes open. There also may have been a small piece or two of chocolate.

How do we know said...

the way you talk of Chocolates and wine Z... God knows u shld be the Goddess of inducing temptation in others :-)

Z said...

It was a brief nap, Ziggi - he dozed off in front of his computer, which was quite amusing.

I'm afraid I had a small cake later too. I think a strict regime of vegetables and yoghurt will be necessary for the next few days. Still, I like the idea of inducing temptations, and even more that of being a goddess, though probably one who's gone to the dark side.

But the fallen angels in Paradise Lost were always the more interesting characters, I felt. It was Belial "flown with insolence and wine" (CBATG, so sorry if that's wrong) who appealed to me most.