Wednesday 5 August 2009

Train of thought

The poor Sage was late home last night. I'd been wondering if he was back and hadn't come through to say hello, but when Al and Dilly came in at quarter past 10, they said his van wasn't there. I was just going to phone him when he arrived, three-quarters of an hour late. A train had broken down in the depths of Essex and so the 7.30 from Liverpool had been cancelled and everyone had to crowd on the 8 o'clock. He had actually left a message on the answer phone, but he'd had to borrow a stranger's phone to do so (so I suppose didn't like to ask to make a second call when I wasn't there) as his phone was out of credit. I apologised for not realising - dealing with that is my job and I didn't realise that he had used the thing much as he had several pounds on it when I checked last. Once, it went unused for so long that the SIM card was deactivated and I had to buy a new one. I've put £20, which should last months, even now he does quite like making calls on it.

Today, I went to visit a friend and seemed to stay most of the day. She works far too hard and needs to relax more, so I choose to believe that me enjoying myself so much that I hopelessly outstayed the most hospitable of welcomes was a Good Thing. I told her all about this blog, including its name - which I do still like, but which sounds so stupid when said out loud. If ever I changed it, or moved blogs I'm not sure I'd feel quite the same way about it. I say "all about", I didn't say that much about it - when she asked what I write about I said I just waffled and that I write it much as I speak. The subject arose when I told her how I met Dave - "an internet friend" is my usual vague description of each of you dear and lovely people, but I was inveigled into explaining further.

Al and Dilly were out again this evening - work, not play, unfortunately. Their children are remarkably good about bedtime. They get undressed and washed, have milk, choose books to be read to them, make a final visit to the loo and kiss me goodnight with no pleas for a final book, a drink of water, five more minutes play or anything else. It's remarkably relaxing and pleasant.

The weather forecast was rain, but we've had none although it has been very humid all day. Supposed to be dry tomorrow and I hope that will be more accurate, for we expect the reliable Dave at 9.30 for a constructive morning.


Marion said...

Well - thank you. I haven't been referred to as a dear and lovely people for a long time.

martina said...

Aw shucks,Z. Thank you for the compliment. You should have told your friend that we think of you as a dear and lovely person too.

Dave said...

I shall be there.

Z said...

You are, each and every one of you.

See you later, Dave. The BBC website gives very confusing predictions of the weather, and none of their suggestions accords with the forecast on the radio. I think they're hedging their bets.

sablonneuse said...

I hope you don't change the name of your blog - it's so 'you' - at least it sums up the way you write!
We have the reverse problems with phones as we don't use them much but couldn't envisage life without the ability to make contact anywhere if necessary. Unfortunately the system for pay as you go is arranged so that you lose any unused credit if you don't top it up. My phone has over 70 euros on it but I'll still have to put more on in September!

Sarah said...

My real friends are always accusing me of having 'virtual relationships with virtual people' on face book...sooo I NEVER tell them about blogging mates. Not sure how I might explain a virtual party, with virtual friends, up country, in virtual land...!! ha ha

Z said...

No plans to change, Sandy.

People can make sweeping statements when they know very little about something. Mind you, ignorance doesn't always prevent me from having strong opinions on things either.

When I went to a party at Dandelion's last year, people kept asking me how I knew her, which was difficult to answer as they didn't know about her blog - and she introduced me as "Z" rather than my less abbreviated name.

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