It was very hot and humid today and both Dave and I found it a bit of an effort to work for too long, so we made a fairly short morning of it. I tried to find the weather forecast this morning and looked on the BBC website, which is rubbish - at least, the weather forecast part of it is. The day's overall prediction for the Norwich area was "light rain" but when I looked at the more detailed 3-hourly forecast, it was dry with either sunny or white cloud all day. The line above which changed from local to national to world weather said that there'd be rain but not until the evening and overnight. And then the weather warning said there would be torrential rain overnight. Tonight's 10.30 TV forecast said it would rain overnight, as it does in the weather warning, but the 3-hourly forecast doesn't show rain until 7 am. I don't mind it being inaccurate so much as it contradicting itself on a single website. Bet-hedging incompetents, one suspects. If any part of it is right it should be cooler, whether dry or not, tomorrow - I think if it's as hot and humid as today we might be put off.
Anyway, we made progress, though not as much as usual. Here are the areas we worked on - I took the low road and Dave took the decorative one.
I went to sleep for a bit this afternoon.
They're currently saying wet at 7 (that was right) and sunny by 10. Hmmm.
I can see a brick that's out of line...
Only joking ;)
It's looking great.
It must be visible from space by now...
I've just been to Google Earth's site, and though you can soom the satellite photo right down to the vegetable garden, there's no sign of the wall - photo was taken before building began. When they update though, yes it will be visible from the air.
zoom, of course, not soom.
Wall is looking great, weather looking rubbish. Seems to me the beeb online can only tell you with accuracy what the weather is doing now!
You will have people treking along the wall soon. I have already organised a charity walk.....the 'save Dave from destitution' walk. Already have £2.50
Last time I looked at Google Earth (some time ago, admittedly) the pictures of the village were sketchy. Evidently filled in some gaps since.
How kind of you to not mention the extreme dullness of the post. A whole paragraph about the awfulness of the BBC weather forecasting. I knew even when I wrote it, but I was very tired.
And I see the top photo is wonky again. The whole wall isn't *that* much out of line.
They don't even do that, Sarah. I've looked at the website when it's been raining and there's still a cheery sun on there.
Just started raining again. Hm. What do you think, Dave? Do you think it will clear up in the next hour?
It stopped raining here 45 minutes ago. Supposed to be clearing to the east, so dryness may reach you soon. Alternatively, could bricklay this afternoon if that suits you?
Sun's trying to come out at present. However, the Sage decrees this afternoon which is fine with me, hope it's okay with you?
I suggested it to the Sage, actually.
I'm getting on with some jobs here, while the day's still cool. See you at 1.
I must say the pointing looks very professional. Is that a decorative flower-pot on the low-road there?
It marks, I believe, the point (9 courses up) where the next decorative brick will go.
The pointing is finished with a tool skilfully hand-crafted by Dave.
I was still really tired this morning - I'll be fully revived by 1 o'clock. Shall I make a cake?
I agree to it........
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It must be quite therapeutic once you have everything to hand. Winnie use to love doing it - but I think he did it sitting down.
Ooh, I'm going to fetch Weeza so that she can join in bricklaying too. Sorry Dave, no time to bake.
Yes Pat, it's very satisfying and enjoyable.
Thanks for all the comments Vince, but I don't borrow money.
Baking cakes? I can't really see it myself. Wouldn't the cigar ash fall in?
Weeza, darling, not Winnie.
It's bad enough PI suggesting that Churchill baked cakes sitting down, now you're claiming the dog's going to? You're being silly.
You're a cheeky pipistrel Z. We love you.
You think I'm bats, Simon, don't you?
I expect Churchill had an Aga too, Dave. Even a dog can bake cakes in one because there are no fiddly controls to manage.
No no no Z. You're not bats.
I am just jealous that the Sage gets to annoy and please you all the time. Boo.
In equal measure - I need a fair bit of attention, dear heart. I may be adorable, (well, I may be, a girl can dream) but I'm demanding too...
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