Wednesday 5 July 2006

Just pictures

As I'm tired and haven't anything I feel like writing about.


The first runner bean has set. I adore runner beans.


Swiss chard comes in wonderful colours, bright red, pink, yellow and white.

The grapes look promising don't they. They usually rot before they ripen however, I only keep the vine from sentiment (cutting from my mother's vine from many years ago) and because it shades the greenhouse nicely.


y.Wendy.y said...

A wonderful garden - I guess you have green fingers.

Any plant I touch, dies. A slow painful death.

Z said...

That's really sad, Geena. So why did I laugh when I read it?
Must be the way you tell 'em!

Anonymous said...

Love the look of the grapes - we are thinking of buying a grapevine to have in the greenhouse; this might just be the encouragement I needed!

Z said...

My greenhouse is very humid and the grapes need a drier atmosphere in the autumn to ripen without rotting. I should also thin the grapes out in the bunch, but I'm too lazy to do that without a guaranteed result. They are easy to grow, but need care to grow really well. I think you'd be good with that.

Z said...

mm. what is it probing? Looks more clawlike than phallic, fortunately.