Saturday 19 May 2012

Z goes to a party

We drove 150 miles for lunch today.  And great fun it was too.  Ro came over first thing and we all set off together, meringues and mousse in the car.  We made very good time, less than three hours each way, though I was tired by the time I arrived home, having done all the driving (neither the Sage nor Ro is insured to drive my car).

Ro hadn't been to Daphne's house for some years and I sent him to look for himself among the photos in the downstairs loo.  It took him a while to identify himself - he's the little blond on the left.  Al is standing next, then G (Daphne's son, who is getting married in a fortnight), then G's brother J, and the Sage is almost hidden in the foliage.  It was evidently taken the last time the summerhouse was dismantled, something that is due to happen again.

When we got home, Ro went for a bath (the boiler has packed in at his house and a new one will be fitted next week).  I had supper ready when he came down and then the Sage took him to admire the four youngest chicks, who are living with their mother in a coop in the biggest greenhouse.
Immediately after this picture was taken, one of the chicks crapped spectacularly into his hand.  Ro squealed a bit but didn't drop a bird of course, and I removed them from his grasp to put them back under the mother hen's wing.  He had a messy puddle in his hand, which was most amusing.  


mig said...

Go chicks! Not that I don't have sympathy for those crapped upon but there is something wonderful about the spectacular behaviours of very small creatures. Also, I can't help feeling that someone else should have been getting supper ready after you'd driven all that way.
(Sorry, I've just been to the pub and am indulging in an extra glass of wine to help the cooking - it doesn't help my commenting skills though)

Z said...

Oh, Ro is all right. He's a seasoned uncle, a tiny chick is small fry to him.

We'd all gone the same way, Ro went for a much-needed bath (I don't mean in a whiffy sense, but that he was desperate to immerse himself in hot water) and th Sage went to cherish chickens. It was an easy supper.