Tuesday 11 June 2013

Z looks at reed beds

I'm at Snape, having eaten a plateful of very good fish stew and not yet finished a bottle of the beer that Adnams brewed especially for Britten's centenary: Native Britten, made from Suffolk ingredients and flavoured with honey and thyme. It's a beautiful, peaceful sight from the window, reed beds and the river, one of my favourite places in Suffolk.

It took a while to relax, having had a 9 o'clock meeting that went on for nearly three hours, after which I had to do some follow-up work straight away and it was just as well I had an afternoon concert to go to (Britten, Janáček and Schubert [I'm dead impressed, the iPhone autofilled in Janáček, accents and all] ) which was lovely, at Blythburgh church and I came straight on over. I phoned the Sage, all is well at home.

Tonight, it's piano music from the last hundred years. I know very little of it, though I'm sure that John Cage's 4'33" will not sound unfamiliar (the last word is hardly required).

The sun has come out again. This year's Aldeburgh Festival is just what I need, I've felt jagged for too long. Not that I can relax for a bit, but a little respite is allowed and very much appreciated.

Sent from Z's iPhone


Unknown said...

I think Blythburgh Church is one of my favourite places in Suffolk.

Tim said...

Honey? Thyme? Wash your mouth out with proper beer - hops, malted barley and local water are the only permissible ingredients.

I've played 4'33" over and over since I read your post. It's different every time. Going into town tomorrow, so might buy the CD of the definitive version.

Z said...

I agree there too, Mike. It's a lovely place.

I'm not going to argue with you, Tim. I was a bit startled when I tasted it, not having read the label first.

Interestingly, the pianist said much the same thing, that there are infinite variations.

Anonymous said...

"As slow as possible" will see the next tone on 5th of October - so if you are accidentially near Halberstadt ...(sorry, I found no English version of the site, here's the wikipedia article)

janerowena said...

I always wonder what is going through the minds of the pianist when they 'play' that piece. That beer sounds unusual, did you really like it?

Roses said...

Yay! Enjoy yourself my darling.


Z said...

Mago, I'm a bit doubtful whether it can be called a single performance unless the pianist is present the whole time. If he/she is, respect!

A bit of an acquired taste and I'm not sure I'll bother, but I didn't dislike it.

I did, Roses!