Thursday 10 February 2011

Happy Barryday

Weeza and Zerlina came over today.  Zerlina came bustling through to the kitchen, wearing an apron and declaring an intention to make cakes.  I settled her at the table and asked what we need.  "A sandwich" she said.  We worked out the ingredients and utensils and set to.  Handed an egg, she tapped it twice on the edge of a bowl and they started to pull it apart,  I hastily put the bowl underneath her hands, and the contents successfully landed.  We made a Victoria sponge and flapjacks, then went to buy sprinkles (hundreds and thousands and mini lemon and orange slices) and icing sugar, which I'd forgotten to get.

All in all, we ate rather a lot of cake and flapjacks today.

It was decided that Barry was about due for a birthday, so we lit a candle and sang to him.  Waiting for her slice, Zerlina actually drooled, fortunately on the table.

Later, when Zerlina was having her nap (she still sleeps for at least an hour after lunch every day), we were talking about the children.  All three of them are delightful at present, very happy, eating and sleeping well,  a real pleasure - "odd how you're all going to make your lives difficult again with a new baby each," I remarked.  We pondered a bit.


Anonymous said...

I think Barry was moved.

Sir Bruin said...

My eldest son, when he was little, was convinced that flapjack was simply called "flap". Then we worked out why. When offering him some, we needed to say, "Do you want some flapjack, Jack?"

Rog said...

I had the the same problem in fast food restaurants with my son Donald.

Dave said...

Don't start me about my son, Chip.

Christopher said...

Do you lads have some problem with your waistlines, that you can't stay on message?

I'm going to join Zerlina in drooling.

Tidily, of course.

Z said...

He slept for an hour and a half later, he was so overwhelmed.

Sir B, that's so sweet (as is flapjack, of course). Thanks you, Rog and Dave. Blimey, good job you two weren't in the same class at school, your poor teachers.

We sent most of the remains home with the girls for Phil (who had been texted photos and was duly jealous). Ro is also jealous. I should bake more.

luckyzmom said...

EACH!! Did I miss something?

Z said...

Seems that you did, love. Weeza is also expecting a baby, in mid-August. Dilly's is due late May, and it's a boy.

luckyzmom said...

I don't know how I missed that.