Saturday 19 January 2013

Chilled Sage

No more snow, but jolly cold in the wind.  I didn't go out much, though the Sage and I went in to town to do a bit of shopping at the greengrocer and bakery (I avoid supermarkets for fresh goods wherever possible).  He didn't wear a coat because he's peculiar.  I bought him a new coat as part of his C-word present and he says it's lovely and warm, but I've only seen him wear it once.  Not that I'm that observant, of course.

Elle and I went to the cinema - I know! Will the excitement never stop? - this evening and picked up fish and chips on the way home.  The Sage had built up the fire for our return, which was very welcome.  I've never lived in a house where I couldn't have a fire and I hope I never will.  I don't care that it's extra work, it's worth it.  Also, you can make toast and roast chestnuts and laugh - well, chuckle a bit - in the face of power cuts.

I've got a load of work to do this weekend.  I should make a start really, innit?  The family came over this morning and I did some hoovering and then took time off.  Or I could have a glass of wine, what do you think?


Liz said...

Have the wine.

allotmentqueen said...

Do you really have to ask?

Anonymous said...

"Cheers" is the only thing that forms in my head ...

How do we know said...

wine over work anyday Z..

Rosie said...

I think anonymous is part of the Google family.

mig said...

Wine wine!
Oh dear, it's eleven o'clock on Sunday and I need to hoover - a bit early for wine.

Z said...

Thank you, darlings. I took your advice. I'm so biddable.

Rosie, my friend John G's comments get sent to spam, yet they have no links and he has a Google account and a Blogger blog, yet these arses' comments get published. Someone, somewhere, is getting a backhander. Or else the idiots at Blogger are totally incompetent. Or else they don't care. Or any combination of the above.

Now, I really must do some work. I've set a timer for 4 o'clock (now 1.42) and then I'll stop working and frolic for a bit.

Blue Witch said...

Wine helps with work you don't want to do, I always find.

Unknown said...

The snow started here at 8-00am, and it's still snowing as I type at 6-45pm. All this on top of the 5" we had on Friday!

Z said...

I've done it now now, BW. I do try to take one day off a week, and Saturday works for me.

Z said...

Lots of overnight snow here too, John. Sorry you've been languishing in spam

Pat said...

You can't just see 'we went to the cinema'.
What did you see?

Z said...

Django Unchained, Pat. Yes, a high body count. But no horses were injured, it said in the credits, which is the main thing, of course.