Saturday 11 February 2012

Our tiny upper lips are frozen

In the last few days, we've been visiting Kenny daily in hospital.  Yesterday, Dilly and Gus came with me, and it really cheered Kenny up.  He absolutely loves babies and children, they mean all the world to him.  His latest great-great-grandson was taken to visit him last week.

He was low because he'd just heard that his wife Muriel (they have been married nearly 9 years) had fallen in the night and been taken to hospital.  He didn't know what was wrong, so was very anxious.  A doctor came to visit while I was there - he was lovely, said we weren't to leave, we'd do more good than he would - and K took the opportunity to ask, if M was in hospital for long, could it be arranged for him to visit?  The doctor said it could, made sure it was written on the notes - it's a lovely hospital, truly personal, loving care, great kindness at all levels.

However, today, when I went with Squiffany, I walked in behind Kenny's family, including Muriel, on their way home from the Gallstone (you probably have to be a local to get this, if not look up Gt Yarmouth and look for the small town just to its south) hospital, so we hung back, not to gatecrash the reunion.  Only for a few minutes; we joined them afterwards and spent half an hour chatting to them.  K can't really eat, he's nauseous after a mouthful, so is losing weight quickly, but is in reasonable spirits considering.

Squiffany came in to spend the rest of the afternoon with me here, the Sage being out, and Gus came along too.  He was very pleased to discover I'd made CAKE! and happily ate morsels for quite some time.  I discovered that there were a couple of dozen eggs that had been laid in the last few days, so our meals are egg-based at present.

(A short pause there, because I realised that I hadn't given the Sage any CAKE, so went to fetch him a slice.  I may well receive a kiss later.  I don't get kissed every day, but CAKE or PUDDING!! get results)

Al called in when he arrived home from work, to say that at 5 am the temperature had been -10º C.  This is quite low for around here, although I understand that it was several degrees colder, just a few miles away.  When we went to visit Kenny, it was 4º, but half an hour later the temperature had dropped and it was not much above freezing.  All terribly good for our stiff upper lips, I suppose.

This weather is not good for arthritic hips.  Still, a year ago, I reckoned three to five years before an operation.  I think I'm on track.  I am so grateful to have a merely anatomical ailment that can be completely corrected by an hour-long operation.  I've always been incredibly lucky, absolutely blessed.

Which reminds me, last week when I went to the blood donor clinic, it turned out that it was my tenth donation.  I was slightly disconcerted to be given an envelope that contained a certificate and a badge (surely no one would actually wear the badge?).  In the post today arrived a new card (like a credit card) with more thanks.  Now, I'm not underestimating the value of donated blood - my sister and many friends have been grateful for it, it's been live-saving.  But I haven't really done anything.  I've only been donating for a short time (prompted by 'Twirling in the Light' Greg) and I don't feel that I need or deserve such fulsome thanks every time.  "cheers love, that's great" would be more than enough.


Unknown said...

Ann's just given her twenty fifth pint, and agrees with you. No need for all the flap-doodle. A quick "Thank you, that's grand" would be enough.
I used to give blood, but some years ago it was decided that mine wasn't up to scratch these days, so I decided that I'd keep it where it is and use it meself.

Anonymous said...

Do you receive something to eat after the donation? My friend once went and afterwards she was given a Brötchen with Blutwurst (is it black pudding?), what she found to be very fitting while a bit macabre.

Z said...

There's quite an array of biscuits and crisps, but black pudding would be a great idea! Sadly, I can't see it taking off over here.

I quite like the thought that I've given a whole bodyful, Mike!

Liz said...

Why does your life always sound so much more interesting than mine?

I am delighted to learn that there are still hospitals that are able to give the level of personal care and attention that your friend is receiving. I hope that he remains cheerful and as comfortable as possible.

Z said...

Interesting? Blimey love, you must lead a very quiet life then!

It's a small cottage hospital that the NHS tried to close a few years ago, but the GP surgery and local support banded together. It's very much loved and appreciated in this area.

Roses said...

It's been so cold recently, I'm really looking forward to the spring. I think I had enough of the winter before it even arrived and now it's getting into the swing of it...I detest it.

I'm glad Kenny is comfortable and in good spirits. I hope his wife is not too badly hurt and shaken from her fall.

Macy said...

Meanwhile here in the tropical and snowless north, nobody wants my blood - too full of chemicals and stuff. No tea... no biscuits... no badge

Z said...

I've been colder today, when it's been above freezing but damp, than I was in the frost.

She's all right thank you, she can't really remember falling but thinks she was trying to get out of bed in the night and lost her balance.

I'll look at my badge with pride then, Macy. Rarely so much as an aspirin in my blood. Mind you, I've got a check-up next week. Probably be a different story then.

luckyzmom said...
