Saturday 25 December 2010

The floozie

I had taken a much better photo than this, but I can't find the camera lead, so this is from my phone.  Squiffany decorated the tree yesterday, with some advice from Pugsley, and I put the Floozie in pride of place on top.

Happy Christmas, darling friends.


Z said...

I see it's slightly on the huh. It's the way I stand. And nothing tasteful in sight, which is how I like a Christmas tree to be.

Rog said...

That's no oil painting in the background either!

Roses said...

Happy Christmas darling.

(I love the Floozy, but you knew I would)

luckyzmom said...

It's beautiful. Merry Christmas to all!

Z said...

I expect you recognise the hand, Rog. Originally sold for 10 guineas.

The floozie, like the tree, is a bit over-decorated. But then I'm wearing all my jools today, too, so I am too.

MaryP said...

Merry Christmas, Zoe!

Dave said...

My tree has no floozie. Story of my life.

Z said...

Some choose sense, Dave. Some choose sensibility. Some of us opted for the best of both.

Merry Boxing Day!

Christopher said...

This is very profound, Z. Nor must we forget those that have scents thrust upon them at Christmas.

Love that revolving bookcase. (Or would you say it was a circulating library?) We used to have one filled with on one side with 19th C. sporting novels, R.S.Surtees, Nimrod, etc., and boys' adventure stories elsewhere, mostly G.A.Henty, with beautifully decorated spines and titles like 'By Sheer Pluck: a Story of the Ashanti War' 'For Fame and Name: To Cabul with Lord Roberts'. I don't know what became of it. Went out of circulation, I expect. Excuse me rambling on.

How do we know said...

Happy Xmas to you too.. we had a splendid time here.. will post pics on Ishaan's blog soon...

where's the cake?

Z said...

I do like revolving bookcases, The Sage gave me this one for Christmas many years ago. And thank you for the title of today's post.

Cake. I haven't seen it yet, the Sage's cousin Charmian always makes him one. It will last him months, and I will eat one or two small pieces!

Eddie 2-Sox said...

Now That's a well decorated tree. I'll show Sam this on Tuesday.
