I thought you'd like a picture of the teddies. Edbos and Ted aren't in this picture I'm afraid.
The family will all be here for lunch on Sunday again. Isn't that lovely? Wink is driving up from Wiltshire on Saturday for a week, so no doubt we will get up to some girlish escapades together.
Tomorrow, I'm going to go and see Weeza and family. It is all go and jollity around here. I've bought some new headphones for iPhone listening for, as is well known, the earpieces supplied with iPods and iPhones are pretty rubbish.
At present, not through headphones, I'm listening to Carl Stamitz's Clarinet Concerto No. 1, as mentioned by Vicus. Never heard it before. I'm really quite ignorant.
I think it might be the camera on the huh rather than the river.
Well, that sounds like a great party and Lady Rosie is one interesting character. I hope she is able to host many more.
Lord Bruin? Must be a relative
I thought he might be your uncle, Sir B? - he's the gentlebear in the top hat at the back. He is 92 years old, as is the lady who is his constant companion.
I hope so too, Marion.
Yes, v. grateful to Vicus for the Stamitz pointer. Do try the Reicha (piano trios) if you can - same period, maybe a bit meatier.
Is the bear garden on a houseboat?
Happy New Year!
Weird - whenever I come here I see something familiar.. I have a bear collection!
I'd love to live in an old water mill. Mind you...it may be dangerous for me near water after a few voddys..;-)
I listen to a lot of classical. Don't tell though. Street cred you know.
Have a great night x
Happy New Year, Z!
Spotify only has Reicha clarinet music - I'll keep looking.
A proper mill house - the river flows underneath it. It's all right though, the front door leads out onto the road. Better keep you off the landing stage tonight, 4D.
I've been spending the last 3 1/2 years broadening my musical taste. It's most enjoyable, and amusing for everyone else when I start enthusing about a band I've only just discovered and everyone else knew about a couple of decades ago.
Quiet night planned, I'll drunkenly blog later and get all emotional over you. Heh.
Happy New Decade to you all!
Looking forward to the drunken blogging.
Didn't happen, did it. I remained as sensible as ever *cough*
Wow. Where is that watermill located? Second floor.. because you call the basement the first floor?
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