Wednesday 9 December 2009

Z climbs a hill

I suppose it makes sense to put the castle or fort at the highest point, but walking uphill isn't really what I like to do, as a Norfolk girl. However, it's generally worth it when you get to the top and see the view.

I've forgotten the name of the town. You may recognise it and tell me, otherwise I'm going to have to resort to looking at a map. We parked by the river and walked up to the castle. I hadn't realised how far the earthquake of 1755 had reached- it's always called the Lisbon earthquake, and that's where the majority of lives were lost, but the Algarve was very badly affected too. Many castles only have their perimeter walls left.

We strolled around, enjoying the views. I discovered that I seem to have lost the mild vertigo that has affected me for the past few decades, which is a pleasant surprise.

The entrance

Random mixture of old and new. Very odd. At least it was all made of the same red sandstone

Orange grove in the distance

Are those banana trees?

From below

Looking down

An ant carrying something far too big for it.

I particularly like roofs

Especially when a house is being renovated and you can see right in

In other news ... I've indulged myself and bought an iPhone. I am having a very enjoyable time. I particularly like the double tap to enlarge a web page. I've been playing most of the evening. I still have my old mobile, by the way, in case any of you have the number and feel the urge to ring me (thanks for your text, Dandelion) but I've got a new number too. A strange sort of parsimony, but I had over £12 credit on the old one and I didn't really see why I should lose it. I can lend my old phone to the Sage and he can use the credit up.


Rog said...

I'd LOVE an Iphone!

weeza said...

On iphone, open browser, put index & middle together on the screen... part index & middle fingers... Boom! To quote FSJ

I've been to that fort place too. There were lots of storks flying about so my photos are of those. Yes, banana plants- lovely!

Right-o, back to worrying about packing & shopping & wrapping!

Z said...

Then I think you should have one, Rog. We deserve treats.

Z said...

Oh gosh, that is just so fine.

Z said...

Yes, baby stork later.

Dave said...

I love roofs too - even though I think they should be spelled rooves (in the loaf/loaves style).

Z said...

Most people say rooves, however they spell it. I don't, but I then still retain a few pedantic tendencies.

I'm glad I'm not the only one, Dave. I"m always remarking on interesting roofs, especially old and wonky ones, and I think some people find it a little odd.

Ivy said...

Were you getting ideas for your next wall build in that second photo?!

Dave said...

Many people seem only to look at eye-level, and never look up. I'm always scanning for interesting buildings on the floors above the modern shop-front in towns.

Z said...

I think an amphitheatre would be a good idea, don't you, Ivy?

Oh yes, Dave - towns all look just the same at ground level if they're all full of the same chain stores. You have to look up to find the character of the place.

Roses said...

I'm terrified of iphones. Too much tecky stuff.

It usually all goes horribly wrong when it gets in my hands.

I think you're so brave.

badgerdaddy said...

Dave and Z - Glasgow is particularly wonderful for this. Walk down Sauchiehall street and it's the same oold shops - look up and you'll see some absolutely perfect Victorian buildings. Beautiful city, but perhaps not at first glance.

Blue Witch said...

I spy an Apple victim ;)

Why didn't you just transfer your old number to your new 'phone'?

Christopher said...

May all your calls leave you with a smile of pleasure playing about your lips.

Thanks for pic No. 7, which has given me a splendid idea for tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

There is the nice word "Dachlandschaft".

Z said...

I'm planning to go to Glasgow in May, Badge - I'll be sure and look up.

I've had Macs for over 20 years, BW. I'm not likely to buy anything else. Phil has an iphone, Weeza has *something else* - she says that if it weren't for the pull-out keyboard which she likes, she'd change as she likes the iphone in every other respect.

I'm a bit like that too, Roses. It's going to take me months to work everything out.

The ant? - I do love insects and bugs. I'm not a bit observant in most respects, but I do watch out for interesting bugs.

That is a great word, Mago - "roofscape", I suppose you'd say in English, but dachlandschaft is better . I must remember it.

Marion said...

By saying you are not observant, actually suggests that you are more so than most. a non-observant wouldn't recognize anything had been missed.

Sarah said...

I like doors...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Some people insisted to show me the marvellous i-phone. It's nice, one can even use it for phonecalls. Sadly I refuse to be impressed by a portable.

luckyzmom said...

I'm going to google iphone to see what all the buzz is about. Right after I invest my funny sum of 500 bucks. Wouldn't 500 does be more accurate:D (That's a little hunting humor.)

My H and I shook our heads at someone on television, who should have known better, talking about the "wolfs".

I am also a lover of rooftop views. Catching to toilet seat in that back yard is a nice touch. And there is a neglected roof that instantly caught my eye. And the open roof......precious.

I have osteo arthritis in my neck from looking up.

luckyzmom said...

"the" toilet seat.

Eddie 2-Sox said...

iPhone? FFS.

Great pic of the roofs from above though, thanks.

Z said...

Oh, I forgot - BW, I meanly didn't want to lose the credit on my other phone, which I would have if I'd transferred the number. I'll let the Sage use it up.

I really am a bit dozy, Marion. I was coming home from a coach trip to London not long ago - I said to my neighbour that I wouldn't be able to describe what anyone, of the 40 of us, was wearing. Actually, that wasn't quite true because one person was wearing a jacket I rather coveted, but otherwise it was. I only notice quirky things.

I like door knockers, actually. Venice has splendid door knockers, and in the Algarve the knocking part is a little fist which rather appealed to me.

Anon, I'm glad you're happy and lucky - I am too, when I'm not being spammed.

Mago, meet Eddie. Eddie, say hello to Mago. You can scoff at me together. XX. I don't mind, this is the most purely self-indulgent thing I've done in a long time. "Just because I want to" isn't the way I normally behave (or only in little ways)

LZM, maybe I should have invested my $500 with Anon instead of committing myself to such a frivolous purchase. When you say does (a deer, a female deer), I say don't, however.

How long did it take you to recover from your hip op?

luckyzmom said...

Quicker than anyone expected.

luckyzmom said...

But, I know you want numbers and I will get back to you.

Z said...

Will I be able to manage a holiday with a fair bit of walking 4 months later? I think I will, but am I being silly?

luckyzmom said...

I know you will.

I sent you an email. Let me know if you get it cause I'm not sure it was sent.

Z said...

Got it, thanks xx

Blue Witch said...

"Oh, I forgot - BW, I meanly didn't want to lose the credit on my other phone, which I would have if I'd transferred the number. I'll let the Sage use it up."

So, you're spending what, £30-£40 a month on an i-Phone (for which read 'look at me phone'/idiot phone, depending on how charitable I'm being ;)) and you're more worried about saving £12 in lost credit than about inconveniencing everyone you know by changing your mobile phone number? EH? ;)

I do love the way blogland reveals the differences in people's thinking :)

Z said...

Darling, someone who was easily upset might be by that rather rude remark, which is not quite softened by the Robinsonesque wink.

You assume people have my mobile phone number. In fact, hardly anyone outside the family does.

When you visited me, you showed me your husband's very smart new phone, and I didn't immediately think "idiot phone", why would I? You presumably mean because it's an Apple phone, but I've only ever had Apple computers, so it's my natural leaning. As I said, Weeza and Phil have an iphone and another make too, and they reckon the iphone is better.

Anonymous said...

Hello Eddie.

Blue Witch said...

Did I? Don't recall. But, Mr BW's phone is provided and paid for by work and used almost exclusively for work (sadly he's made to have it - he lasted *years* before they made him have any sort of mobile phone)... Interestingly, I don't know anyone who has an internet-enabled phone from work who has been provided with an iPhone (but I guess many people had them pre-i-days).

"i(diot)-phone" doesn't everyone who dislikes Apple (prices/business model/durability) call them that? Perhaps I've influenced too many people: I thought it was a standard known expression these days.

But, I think I've worked out why you need it now - it's so you can blog/comment from your hospital bed, isn't it? In which case... :)

Z said...

You've got it, sweetheart! :-D

I did need a new phone though, the old one was ancient and the battery is giving out.