I hope you have a wonderful time, but if that's not what you find from Christmas, I hope you have some pleasure and tranquillity. Or get drunk, or write your first blog-post in a fortnight. Or your first blog-post ever.
Thanks for being such good company. I can't describe, without being mawkish, how much I appreciate you all.
Here are some photos of the crib that the village schoolchildren made for us a few years ago -
Mary was, perhaps, a little unprepared for the experience of childbirth. The donkey was a bit startled, too.
Jesus finds a bed of hay very comfortable
Merry Christmas, darlings.
Happy Christmas.
Blog-post for main blog now written (will be posted soon after midnight) - and another post actually posted (it's a Christmas message) on my new religious blog.
Z what a great post for a day like this. You are reminding us
that there are so many things that are worth in life, so many things to discover still. That is one of the best message you could send indeed.
Love for you and happy Xmas
Thank you both - appropriate photos are now in place, taken in church this morning.
Merry Christmas Z, hope that you and your family have a really enjoyable day.
lovely crib Zoe, and even i find it funny that blog friends should mean so much... and they do!! :-) Hope you're having a lovely time even as i write this...
Hope you're all having a lovely day!
Happy Christmas lovely.
Hope you're having a great one.
Many hugs to you.
Our 'nativity scene' has been badly chewed by endless dogs and children. Heads glued back on, Jesus is now a lump of plasticine and the crib is a matchbox. We still get it out though.
Happy Christmas to you too X
Merry Christmas Z! xx
I think the expressions on the faces make them so endearing. I bet you enjoyed them all the more for it. We had a lovely warm Christmas day and everyone ate too much. Big meal, homemade fudge, cakes, fruit, nuts. Stuffed, I tell you, stuffed.
Yes, we think they are brilliant. One of the shepherds looks as if he's been hitting the bottle and another is pop-eyed.
Stuffed - yes, so are we. Didn't start the cake though.
My husband and I had a lovely Christmas after noon opening gifts from each other, with joy in our hearts.
The nativity is precious and reminds me of making paper mache' carolers one year to decorate the O"Club in New Mexico.
Happy Christmas, Z
that is such a beautiful crib!
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