Sunday 6 April 2008

They said it might snow

I didn't think it was likely. But they were right.


Dandelion said...

V.powdery, that snow, if you don't mind me saying. Pretty, but no hope of another snowman, or glimpse of Sage :-(

Eddie 2-Sox said...

You live on a ranch! How cruel to us flat-dwellers to show that.

But lovely too.

Keep up the good work.

Z said...

No, not much use as snow goes. It prevented me cycling in for the papers though, so not all bad.

Hello, Eddie, welcome - a ranch? That's *cough* supposed to be a garden.

We have got a couple of fields, however and half a dozen cows are spending the last few weeks of their pregnancies there.

Dave said...

It snowed here overnight too.

Z said...

Yes, it's snowing now, though it's not settling.

Dave said...

Global warming? Pah!

Unknown said...

A dusting! Lovely pics!

Pat said...

Our son sent photos of blizzard like conditions in West Sussex. Unfortunately I couldn't reproduce them as they were quite beautiful. Still bloody cold here.
Ranch - house?
Yard - garden?

Z said...

But Eddie lives in Kings Lynn - do they have ranches in that part of Norfolk? Maybe Sandringham...