Friday 22 February 2013

The lodger

Well, I gave it a bit of thought yesterday evening and asked the Sage if he'd mind if we offered to look after the dog until Andy is better.  He agreed at once, and this morning I had a text from Gill to say that she's broken her fibula, so I replied at once suggesting that we have Ben for the duration and she was relieved to agree.

And here he is.  Yes, the bit of mud on the carpet is from his paw.

It'll be for a couple of months and yes, before you say anything, we may end up with him.  I know that Gill finds him far too much, but they got him for Andy so it'll be up to him.  So for now, we're looking after him and will do so for as long as needed.

He looks very like Chester actually.  A bit heavier-built and not quite so red - Chester was an Irish setter/bearded collie cross and was more orange than copper-coloured.  I'm making it clear that I'm pack leader and he's really being very good (although he just peed on the rug, not having asked to go out).  He'll need a fair bit of exercise, I can see that I'm going to get fit whether I want to or not.


Unknown said...

He's a beauty. My last Lab was called Ben.

Z said...

He's very handsome and affectionate too. He's settling in very well so far.

allotmentqueen said...

I knew it! But I think you've said before that your dogs have always found you.

Z said...

Yes, I've felt all along that a dog would need us and we'd be ready for it. But at present we're looking after him for a few weeks for friends, I'm not going to start thinking of him as mine. It will be too hard when they want him back, assuming they do. They do love him and he's really well looked after, but they're both so stretched already and he's not really suitable - they need a smaller, less energetic dog.

PixieMum said...

I suspect we will be meeting Ben in June...

Z said...

I really don't know how the balance will fall between them really missing him and really not missing all the bounce.

Tim said...
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Tim said...

I share Pixiemum's suspicion. Get the hens and the cows trained up...

Z said...

He has yet to be introduced to the hens. I'll give him a few days to settle in and learn that what Z wants, Ben does.

Which reminds me, it seems that I want to go out for a walk in the dark and the snow....

Yoga Gal said...

What a darling looking dog!

Blue Witch said...

Fate plays its hand again!

Lovely woofer.

Rog said...

He looks a handsome intelligent beast!
That's the way we acquired Mrurph and Oz - "We'll have him!!!!"

Roses said...

Oh isn't he gorgeous?

He has such lovely eyes.


As you say, see how it goes, especially if you have to give him back (but he's good for you).

Z said...

Yes, it's how we got Tilly, too. But Roses is right. I'm taking it that this is a time for us to get used to having a dog again, and when he goes home we'll get one of our own. There's scope for alteration to the plan, but I'm not angling to take Andy's dog from him.

Unknown said...

Dogs find us, as we said; but by the same token Ben will eventually decide whose dog he is.

janerowena said...

He's beautiful. I was brought up with labs and retrievers so am a bit biased.