Yes, it's genuine Victorian. And I knew quite enough, even then, to appreciate that he'd ruined its monetary value by writing in it (not shown), and that this indicated True Love.
I'm not expecting flowers, a card or the like today. He's been showing quite enough love, for better, for worse etc, to take him through the rest of our lives, whatever happens. It's a lot of work, marriage - however, in the long run ...
... it's worth the effort.
And, in other news, Winter Olympics! Yay (except for curling and speed skating)!!(!)
I'm not expecting anything today either. For completely different reasons.
Now that I know that loving me the whole year through is more important than what happens on one day in the middle of February (SOMEBODY TELL ME IT'S NOT THE MIDDLE OF FEBRUARY ALREADY) he remembers!
Happy Valentines Day Z *)
And you too Dave*)
Hi Z. What a beautiful gift, original and touching. I got a peppermill because he broke my other one earlier in the week :)
Hope you're recovering well. I keep dropping by (via Reader).
this is a card???
this is a card???
Happy Valentine's Day to you both.
Hope you continue to spoil each other every day.
Touching. I'm sure you're twinkling away contentedly. What's wrong with curling?
You are a pretty star. Have a good Sunday.
Amiable dispatch and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.
Nothing's wrong with curling as far as playing is concerned, or so a former curler of my acquaintance assures me, but it really isn't a lot of fun to watch.
The central part of the card, with the posy of flowers, is what opens, but the paper hinge is loose, so I just took the front away so as not to show the writing.
Thanks, everyone xx
Lovely, lucky you!
That's pretty enough to last for a lifetime of Valentine's Days.
wow! that is such a sweet card!
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