Eye closed
Eye open
Fortunately, as you see, most of it is hidden when the eye is open.
I rang Al to ask if he wanted the rest of the broad bean plants - he did, and he also wondered if I had any more tomato plants as they're going quite fast. I sorted out the final couple of dozen, and runner beans, aubergines and chilli peppers as well. I've been potting up and sorting out the rest of the plants I'm keeping to plant outside, and all I have to send in now are some more courgettes that I've potted up - Al has discovered that if the plants are big enough to have baby fruits on, he can get double the price for them. Tomorrow is Street Market day - one of the town's streets closes and is full of market stalls for the day. This happens three times a year and the May one is for plants and garden-related stuff. Al wants to be open - he's not far from and in sight of the street - but Dilly is tutoring all day, with people anxious about forthcoming GCSEs who want a spot of extra help, so he'll be looking after the children too. I'm sure that the Sage will lend a hand. I can go in later, but I'm busy all morning at the church. I can't take the morning off as I'm playing the organ, and I can't swap as the other organist is on holiday in Portugal.
Oh, and those baskets. They're made in Kenya. They're great, and they smell all haylike and lovely. I've bought two of them from Al and I will get more as you can use them for all sorts of things as well as shopping. I think several people will be receiving them as presents. Rather than take pictures, I'll show you the website. When Al's arrived, he put Squiffany in it and carried her around town to test its strength. So, although the sizes of them vary a bit, they're big and strong enough to carry a 4-year-old.
If you've got any left, I wouldn't mind one pepper plant. Pretty please.
Would you like to borrow my cricket helmet, next time you give blood?
You're welcome, Dave.
At the moment, I'm not sure if there will be a next time.
I go away for a few days...
Go again Z, I have been giving blood for years and have only ever passed out once,, and yes I did feel a bit of a fool. Still these things happen.
Dilly was finally able to go again a few weeks ago and she dried up after half a pint! We're both feeling a bit unlucky at the moment. I daresay I'll get over it. My next appointment is the day after my birthday.
Oh, I've got both sweet and hot peppers, Dave - take whatever you want.
I was asked not to come back to blood doning after my 4th session. I'm a slow bleeder apparently.*
Also I kept going white and they thought I was going to faint, while laid on the bed.
*So my teachers always told me.
Oh dear! That's very impressive. Did it hurt?
Only if I touch it. I didn't know it was there until I did, but as I'd banged both sides of my head I couldn't get really comfortable in bed. The bruising underneath my eye doesn't hurt at all.
Ouch. My husband passes out when blood is taken and also once when he hit the back of his right hand on the edge of an hard object. It is very scary to see. I would not think less of you if you decided not to donate blood again.
it's a brave thing to do, give blood I mean not faint, although that's pretty hairy by the looks of things. I needed 6 units after the birth of my first and I'm very grateful, I'm also a tad concerned that since they gave me some I'm now banned from giving it back! The coward in me is relieved but what was in it?!
It doesn't feel very brave, it's quite simple really and one isn't aware of an arm emptying. It is a bit disconcerting to not be allowed to give blood just for having received it. There are an awful lot of things you're barred for as a precaution.
If you'd rather sit, with a glass of wine and a steak sandwich and supervise tomorrow, that's OK by me.
I'm fine now thanks, honey. We won't race each other though, eh?
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