Dave completed the second pillar.
My hands went a bit funny.
So did Ro's to a lesser extent.
And this is how we've left it. Note also, if you please, that I have cleared away some of the nettles and replaced them with carpet.
This afternoon, I have plants to pot up for Al, more scything to do and a couple of trees to fell. I also need to plant out the rest of the squashes and other things.
I'm having a lovely time. This is as much fun as I ever wanted it to be, and exactly what I hoped for when I first thought of the idea, with the splendid bonus of having Dave to help us.
It looks enormous fun. I must see if I can find more about it.
I'm sure I couldn't possibly comment.
Looking good!
We use latex gloves when undertaking such tasks, Bought in bulk they are only a couple of pence each. They stop the crinkled look. And the nasty chemicals from the cement entering your body.
My fingers haven't gone wrinkly, for some reason. Perhaps they are hardened by years of hard work on a keyboard.
Chemicals enetering the bloodstream was, I thought, a perk of the job.
Yes, I often use disposable latex gloves for various purposes, and after my fingers crinkled up I wondered if I should try them for this.
Mm, chemicals...
Dave, you just did. Comment, I mean. Twice.
Pat, this is the sort of job I love - playing around with grown-ups' toys and that sort of thing!
Pizza??! Dave will get fat...stick to the dry bread and water..
Ps it looks pretty impressive..what no pics of Dave...it's the only reason I come here
Okay, Sarah, dry bread and water it will be for the rest of the week. And a picture of Dave next time - it's true, he is rather gorgeous.
I'll stand behind the wall (which should be nearly finished next time - well, this section anyway) so that my hair is showing over the top.
I thought Dave said " I'm sure I couldn't possibly cement"
Dave-are you trying to be like the neighbor on the show Home Improvement show? You never saw his face, just his hat peering over the fence.
HOW do u pack so much in a day Z?
No one would be capable of that degree of wit but you, Rog darling.
Martina, that sounds more like the Sage.
By being so lazy, HDWK. It makes me efficient. This is the truth.
I think I'm a bit late to wish you a happy anniversary. Or am I? Or is it a birthday? Your riddle post left me confused!
The Sage pretty well ignores birthdays, so we'll stick with anniversary celebrations. Thank you!
I am worried that the right hand pillar is taller than the left-hand one. However are you going to make the two ends match up?
It's a trick of the camera angle. They really are the same height. Honest.
I have every expectation that they are. Dave built both pillars and every course of bricks, when they join in the middle, has matched exactly. I give a little cheer each time.
Although, being belt and braces (and a little length of baler twine) people, we have got a plan up our sleeves if the heights go slightly out of level
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