We all had engagements to keep in the afternoon, so drank up and left, after much conversation, soon after 1.30. I suggested walking back to the flat, where we’d left our suitcase. The key decided not to turn for several minutes, so all our friend was allowed time for (which she was very good-natured about) was a quick hurry up and down the stairs before we left again. We strode along to the City Road, where we parted company.
The bus arrived at the stop as we did, so we actually arrived at the station in good time. Ro had been quite sure I was fussing more than I needed to; he was right but one has to allow time for hold ups, I think (one hopes, not of the hijacking variety).
I hope you and your friend had a good time in each other's company.
Do you think you will ever meet again - over a nice brick, say?
I think an unveiling ceremony, at te very least, might be called for. The world seems to be divided into those who are inspired by oue ambition and those who frankly doubt whether the wall will ever happen without professional intervention. Ro is certainly in the latter category.
You won those prizes fair and square, z. Albeit it was so long ago that what you won them for is lost in the mists of time...
ps If those photos were taken in your house, I can see why you're so fond of the british museum
The garden table, dear heart.
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