Her name is Zerlina, for she is a small version of her mother - Weezalina, she should be called but she will not be wee for very long so it has been neatened.
And here she is.
I took her from her mother and found it hard to put her down again. I passed her to Dilly and she was cuddled by the rest of the family and then I took her back and held her while I ate my dinner. I haven't seen her eyes yet, she slept throughout. Her face screwed up a few times and she started to cry, but I have a soporific effect on many people and I was able to soothe her.
She has long fingers and hands. Her skin, soft last night, is now quite dry and wrinkled, but that won't last long. She is tiny, smaller than any of the other babies in the family were, but quite strong and healthy.
Many congratulations to you all, she's a beautiful little girl.
Oh z, you've done us proud! Actual pictures! How lovely she is.
What a beautiful little girl-it obviously runs in the family. Well done to all concerned; she was definitely worth waiting for. What a joy!
Well said, pi! I didn't like to steal Zerlina's thunder, but you hit the nail on the head there.
Congratulations! She is absolutely gorgeous!
P.S. Is that a Jedi cloak she's wearing? It looks like it to me in that second picture. What an impressive girl!
What a beautiful little princess! Now, you aren't going to spoil her at all are you Z?
She's beautiful. Welcome to the world, Zerlina.
Indeed - great work, Weez. Nice one!
She's lovely.
But I still prefer kittens ;)
A singularly beautiful girlie!
These are the advantages of being a breech/forceps baby (as Katy was), no wrinkles and a peaches and cream complexion
A toast to love and happiness.
Oh my goodness! Precious! Congratumalations indeed!
Congrats, but where do the names come from?
My daughter's name might be Weezella, which could be why she is sometimes called Weeza and sometimes El. Wee Zerlina is a variation.
Zerlina was also the sweet little girl in Don Giovanni whom the libidinous Don tried to seduce on her wedding day by singing Là ci darem la mano. If he'd sung it to me, I'd have surely succumbed. It's a delight.
She has a more crumpled little face than our other children when they were born, but she was the smallest, so that's the reason. Plenty of room to fill out!
You may, of course, also think of her as Buttercup, as it is her second name.
What a sweetie, congratulations to you all
And precious, very, very precious. Tears at the corners of my eyes. She is adorable and looks so thoughtful!
So sweet. Is that you, holding little z, in the top pic?
'Sharing the love' is what you do and the award is here for you. It's near the bottom of my sidebar. you know I can't do things like bring it over.
Oh thank you, Pat, how lovely of you. I'll be over tomorrow, because I'm only just home at midnight.
'Fraid it is me.
Thanks again, everyone xxx
Is that Buttercup as in, Princess Buttercup, 'As you wish' etc??
Hmmm, my first attempt at a comment didn't appear..so i'll post it again.
Congratulations on your new arrival...what a beauty she is. Thank you for posting the pics, the are just darling..enjoy her in good health!
I know I'm late, but: Congratulations to everyone! What a sweetie she is in the photos.
Looking forward to hearing all about her adventures.
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