Thursday 2 August 2007


An exceptionally wet July, wasn't it? Record-breakingly so. June hadn't been much better.

Yesterday, the Sage and I were putting in the last of the leek plants. He dibbled the holes, we poured in water, I had the plants ready. After a few minutes, we gave up. The soil was so dry that the hole would not stay open long enough to wet it. I had to put the sprinkler on for an hour or two before the job could be finished.

It's a wonder anything grows here at all.


Pat said...

That's incredible although I must admit I haven't tested the soil here of late but as it looks a green wilderness I can't believe it would be hard, Deluge again today!

The Boy said...

Are you sure you don't live in South Surrey? The unplanted part of our veg patch look like a cracked desert landscape. Green and plesant land my...

Z said...

Hot and sunny here, Pat. I'm glad the Boy is here for corroboration - though he does have the excuse of living on a hill.

Zig said...

ha! That tiny bit of sunshine didn't even touch the mud and it's p*ssing down again here today - moany moany moany

Z said...

I'd rather have to water the garden, Ziggi. What a bummer.

dharmabum said...

been wet here too, z. and it normally doesn't rain here this time of the year. blame it on global warming and other such nuisances.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'd have thought everything would still be damp from all of that water. Guess you just have really good drainage in the garden beds. Your leeks sprung a leak?

luckyzmom said...

Here in Nevada (US) we've had the opposite problem. Lots of fires too, although those are slowing, probably because everyone is much more watchful and fires are snuffed out more quickly.