Thursday 29 March 2007

Ooh, I forgot to mention

I am very excited. I have bought a whiteboard and a dry marker pen. As I explained to the Sage, what we do now is tell each other what we are going to do during the day, we don't listen to each other and then have to ask to be reminded while giving the impression that we have a bad memory because it seems rude to say we weren't really listening. So all we need to do is not talk to each other, but write down facts instead.

I also bought a bag that I am quite sure is small enough to carry on to an aeroplane and a small suitcase on wheels, so that when I go through London on my way to visit my sister in a couple of weeks, I will neither have to take my big bag nor carry a smaller one heavy with the dozen books I need for a week's holiday.

Did I tell you about that? We're going to M0usehole in Cornwall. She has friends who have a guesthouse there. I've only been to Cornwall once and that was a brief visit to the Eden Project. I rang her to ask whose car she wanted to go in, as hers is a bit small and mine is a bit big, and we've decided on hers. So I'll go by train. It will take longer - the train journey is about the same as the drive, but the journey to the stations and across London adds a lot to the time, but I'm thinking that I might be able to fit in a visit to a museum or exhibition on the way there and back. I fancy the Surreal1sm exhibition at the V&A for one.

Mouseh0le, if you abroad-people don't know, is pronounced Mowzle. Funnily enough, the M0usehold in Norwich is pronounced M0usehold. It's odd, because most place names in Norfolk are not pronounced the way they are spelled, like Wym0ndham and Happ1sburgh. And Norwich, come to that.

Anyway, if anyone is planning a visit to Yagnub in April, I hope it isn't between the 13th and the 23rd, because I won't be here.


Monozygote said...

Do you mean Mousehole? I thought it was Mousehole? I gather it's lovely! Lucky you.

Greg said...

Cornwall is, by all accounts, very pretty. Envious, moi?

I've always had a childlike glee when it comes to dry-marker pens and whiteboards. Something to do with being able to erase felt-tips. Great fun. Little things...

Imperatrix said...

I am reading _Over Sea, Under Stone_ to Trixie right now, and it has made me wish to visit the Cornish coast. Well, that, and all the other arthurian stuff of legend from Cornwall.

badgerdaddy said...

Am round your way on the 27-29 April, all being well.

I shall keep you updated.

Z said...

D, I had a crisis of confidence last night and couldn't remember so I googled M'hold and it came up as correct spelling in Cornwall as well as Norwich. I think that it might be the earlier spelling? Anyway, I should have checked the map, because when it comes to it, I only really trust paper for info*. I think I've lived near Norwich too long.
*And you, of course, so I've changed it :-)

Steg, I have a passion for all things to do with stationery. It is the little things, isn't it.

Imp, when I was a child we went to Dorset, Wiltshire and Somerset a lot, largely because my Grandad lived in Dorset and I don't know why we've never been to Cornwall.

BD :-D

Chairwoman of the bored said...

The Chairman and I went to Cornwall for our honeymoon which was the first week of April.

When we got there, we found that Cornwall was closed, and we had our hotel entirely to ourselves, which was actually quite creepy.

But the weather was wonderful, not warm but bright and sunny, and we were able to enjoy Lands End and the Lizzard in total solitude.

The only places with any sign of life in them were Helston and Mousehole (where my parents had been for their honeymoon). It's a beautiful little town, and I'm sure you'll love it.

heybartender said...

In Georgia, the word Cairo is pronounced "Kay-Ro". Except by people like me who prefer to say it like everybody else in the world. Ditto Albany, which is pronounced "All-Binny" here. Oh, language. Is there anything it can't do?
Promise I'll get to that tag, by the way. Now that I'm done with the ugly part of my week.

heybartender said...

Also, yay vacation! I suppose you've already picked out your books?


Z said...

I am fairly tolerant about spelling and pronunciation nowadays (always excepting 'nucular' of course) but, of course, getting place names wrong shows you up as an outsider.

I haven't decided on the books actually. There's a couple of weeks to go yet. I've got a small stack I've bought and not yet read and I'll probably have a trawl through my Amazon wishlist and buy another bundle before then.

martin said...

Z, If you go to the V & A, you can do the "Kylie" show as well.......they have her gold hot pants on show.

Z said...

Kylie's hot pants? Not to be missed!

Monozygote said...

When we got there, we found that Cornwall was closed

Chairwoman, I LOVE this. You are so funny.

z - you have an amazon wishlist? since when??

Z said...

I agree with Dandelion, Chairwoman.

It's not there for people to buy me things, Dandelion, just for my own use. When my credit card has been feeling neglected, I cheer it up with a book or disk or two.

Monozygote said...

You should make it public, z. I sometimes get things bought for me by random strangers. It's wicked. Keeps you on your toes too.

Z said...

How lovely people are.

y.Wendy.y said...

People are lovely indeed. Without even a wishlist, I get sent things by caring bloggers.

And Cornwall - The Ex and I spent part of our European honeymoon down there - I had wanted to visit it so desperately - I first fell in love with Cornwall through books..and the reality was even better.

Z said...

You and Dandelion are so adorable, Wendz, I'm not surprised.

I can't remember if I've ever blogged about our honeymoon. It showed me the shape of things to come...