Wednesday 7 August 2013

Rupert's last day with Z

This is our final day with Rupert, our friends' little spaniel pup.  Sam and Hannah are due to come and pick him up tomorrow morning.  The visit has been an unqualified success - which we expected, no problems were anticipated - and the only slight disappointment has been that we've not been able to let the dogs out in the garden unaccompanied, just in case any of the bantams have got out.  But they can go off the lead on the marshes, where they have a brilliant time.  They both love the water and play riotously, but with complete good humour.  Ben is very kind to the smaller dog, although sometimes clumsy, but Rupert is quite unbothered at being trodden on and can hold his own in a play-fight.
 Asleep on the bed
Asleep on me

He is also very, very affectionate and cuddly.  Although he woke early this morning and wanted to play, which I could have done without, having been fast asleep at 5.45.
Other news on the home front is that Weeza and Phil's house purchase seems to have had all problems ironed out and the contract is due to be signed tomorrow, with completion early next month.  There's a bit of work they want to do before moving and more in due course, but it's going to be beautiful.
If anyone is having difficulty registering here, do let me know (my email address is on my profile here) and I can do it.  If you want an avatar/photo against your comments, I think it'll work if you add your own blog to your profile.  The advantage of commenting there is that it will be published immediately, with no need for me to approve it.  Also, though Ro has succeeded in uploading all comments, further ones won't be taken over from here.  I shall turn off comments here when I stop updating on this site in any case.


Blue Witch said...

Stupid registration won't take any of my email addresses because they all have hyphens in, and it keeps telling me that I need to enter a valid email address, even though it *is* valid. *sighs*

My anti-comments-systems spell has worked rather too well methinks...

Unknown said...

Rupert will miss being spoilt rotten, and I bet Benj will be lost without him! xx

Z said...

Oh dear, I am sorry, I don't see why it shouldn't. You're down as having registered. I'll get it to send you a password and hope that'll do it.

Rupert will still be spoiled rotten, he sleeps on the bed at home. But Benj will be lost, you're right.

Z said...

I did that and sent you a cheery email to say I hope it solved the problem, but my cheery email has just been returned as undeliverable "Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain". It seems there is a problem with your email. Would you send me an email from that address, please, to make sure it's working?

Unknown said...

Dear Z. I have tried to register for your new blog and was unable to get very far. Please can you tell me where I am going wrong. Please do not over estimate my technical know-how. You will not be able to make it too simple for me.
Regards, Mike.

Z said...

I've added you, Mike, and you should get an email to tell you your password (you can change it if you like) and you can log in with that. Your username is Mike and Ann.

LẌ said...

Perhaps Rupert can visit with Auntie Z from time to time.

Z said...

I think he will, Mac!

Unknown said...

Thank you Z. It seems to work.