Monday 1 October 2012

Z synchronises her apps

I started the day a bit late, to the extent that the Sage came upstairs about 9.30 and rather pointedly offered to bring me a cup of tea.  I'd been awake for a couple of hours mind, you, just didn't feel like getting up for a bit, especially as I knew that the house required a fair bit of cleaning and - well, frankly, I couldn't be arsed.

But I did in the end of course, changed four bedsworth of clothes (the spare room bed didn't need changing, but I was switching duvets around, so did) including the little room next to ours where either the Sage or I decamp sometimes when one of us is restless so the other can't sleep (which one of us leaves the marital bed, as it's rather oddly called, depends on whether the restless one is awake or asleep at the time) and hoovered, dusted and cleaned sinks and so on, did shopping and ended up at school for an open evening for prospective pupils and their parents, which last kept me on my feet for three hours at a time when I'd rather have been putting them up.  So by the time I'd come back and cooked and eaten dinner, I was too tired to do much more than spend the evening drinking beer then wine and reading the papers.  And so I'm afraid my tales of Wilt and Berk shires will have to wait another day.

Tomorrow, I will crack on early.  Elle isn't going to school until 11ish and the Sage has offered to walk a friend's dog while she's away so he'll be off first thing, so I'll have a couple of hours on my own.

Oh, I've remembered why I was tired this morning.  I updated my phone and pad software while I was away, which was useful as, reviled as the new Apple maps are, they turned out better at small detail than my satnav, so I was able to find the place I was staying on Friday night.  But I'd not had time so refused the offer to update the iTunes software on my computer before I left, and it wouldn't acknowledge that it needed an update when I tried.  And it wouldn't back up the phone and pad without the update and looked as if it was going to remove data altogether.  I spent a silly amount of time on it when I'd have been better with an early night, as I intended but didn't get.  Anyway, in the end it succumbed to the force of my disapproval and did the job.  So now it's fine.  And, for once, all apps are up to date.  But for a while I thought I was going to need some help.


mig said...

My iphone/itunes took 3 hours to update the other might. No warning at all. It was the first time I'd done it so I was a bit taken aback.

Z said...

Yes, frustrating if you were planning to use it - phone or computer. I usually do it overnight.