Later, the children were in small groups practising the musical arrangements they've been working on (they don't know it yet, but next term they'll write their own compositions) ready for recording and I went to help N's group with the drum accompaniment. It's just started to dawn on them that I don't behave quite like anyone else in the school. Last week a lad in a different class asked me what I do there, and today N asked the same question. I told him, I'm in to lend a hand as a teaching assistant, and I'm an unpaid volunteer. He looked bemused. "You can't tell us off though?" asked a girl. "That is, you didn't when N chucked his bag, you laughed." "I can," I explained. "I just don't have to."
Oh, by the way, and I realise this is a pathetic thing to think of as an accomplishment, but I finally made it all the way up the hill without having to get off the bike and walk at all.
Afterwards, I went to take over from Al at the shop for a few hours so he could go and help Dilly with Squiffany's birthday party. 8 little friends from nursery school, plus their younger siblings and their mothers. When Al returned so that I could join the end of the party, we chatted for a few minutes as I got ready to leave. He told me something that quite upset me. A nearby small town had a branch of Woolworths, which closed just after Christmas. The discount store QD is taking it over and they advertised for staff. They had 25 places. 1,000 people applied. Yes, one thousand. They were asked if they were interested in part- or full-time jobs. Nearly everyone said that they would accept anything at all. I wanted to cry at the sadness of their desperation.
When I got back, the party was nearing the end and 15 or so toddlers were milling around happily. Zerlina smiled to see me and I gave her a cuddle. She was 7 months old yesterday. "I'll give everyone 2 more minutes to finish eating tea" said Dilly "and then we'll have a last game of Musical Statues." She's very good - for each round she told them what they should do when the music stopped, such as be a dragon, be a princess, hop like a frog, hold up an umbrella like Mary Poppins. The children loved it and I felt all emotional again. Fortunately, this is permitted for a granny, being sentimental.
Oh, and another couple of pictures of Zerlina

A wry moment

Her more usual expression. No teeth yet, as you see.
Lovely picturinas, z!
She is trying very hard to crawl at present. I don't think we'll contain her for long.
They still have paper registers where you are? Really?
Cute pics.
The thing I love about being in lessons observing is that the kids have no idea who you are, so you can tell them anything and they believe you. And it's amazing what you get to see that the teacher doesn't.
Yes, but not for much longer. Mind you, Dilly's school changed last year to computer registration and a lot of the teachers grumble about it. I can't think why, makes sense to me.
And yes, and yes!
I Loved your answer to the girl about the reach of your authority.
And, the pictures are GORGEOUS!!
All our local comps have a system whereby if a pupil is not at either morning or afternoon (electronic) registration (and it's end of afternoon), ie late or absent, the parent is automatically sent a text message by the system.
I understand that unauthorised absence (and, I suspect, shoplifting in town) is down nearly 100% as a result.
I suggested doing just that (well, phoning) some 6 or 7 years ago and the then Head pooh-pooed it, saying the office staff didn't have time. Within half a year, it was the latest innovation and it's been done ever since. It had an immediate effect, but this has lessened over time.
Good job on that hill, Z! Say what you will, but I understand.
Great photos, too.
Awww. Children's parties - I used to love them. Not sure how I'd cope nowadys though. Great photos.
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