Saturday 6 September 2008

Z is reluctant

The Sage gave me a lift in yesterday because rain was forecast and after 11 hours on my feet, I didn't want the prospect of staggering home on the bike in the rain. In fact, it had cleared up by 7 pm, but I was still glad to come back in the car.

Today, rain is forecast again. But I've left it as late as I can and the Sage is still asleep. Sadly, I'm too polite to wake him.


On my bike, then. See you later.


Dave said...

I trust you'll be able to have an afternoon snooze tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

The rain will never end! Or at least that's what it feels like

jAMiE said...

It's raining here too...i love it..but then i don't have to be out in it today.

A nap for me, i hope you get one too!

Greg said...

Not only the rain but the wind! Take care out in that lot.

heybartender said...

If it rains, you can always have him pick you up. Then you can leave your bike at the shop and you'll simply need a ride tomorrow morning as well. Sounds like a perfectly good excuse to me.

? said...

I can't imagine what it will be without rain.

? said...

I can't imagine what it will be without rain.

Z said...

Julie, I have my pride. I can't do that, sensible though it would be.

Red Eyes of Fire - a warm welcome, indeed. I'm not sure I've ever found a more impressive name than that and I'm happy to see that you are enjoying War and Peace, which is a book to read and reread, but preferably in an edition that gives correct (male and female) surnames. The latest Penguin edition thinks we aren't bright enough to understand that Petrov turns into Petrova if one is a woman and that pisses me off mightily.

Dave, yes, unless I go to the Greenpeace Festival tomorrow. There's a free bus service, you know!

Rain. Yes. Every day.

luckyzmom said...

Without rain there is desert.

Anonymous said...

with the amount we are getting, it's floods

Z said...

There is such a thing as balance and the summer hardly started this year.