Monday 25 March 2013

Z plans to have two vices

dance for you to watch today.

And a governors' meeting for me, where I raised the subject of my successor.  Not that I'm planning to stand down any time soon, but it's time to start ensuring that I won't be missed in the least.  Mind you, the job keeps becoming more time-consuming and serious consideration will have to be done regarding the workload.  Not only is there the main school and sixth form, which together have around 1300 pupils, but two other offshoot governing bodies are likely to be set up.  In addition, one of our committees that presently meets annually is going to have a much heavier workload and I need to be involved in that.  I go to most committee meetings because it's so much easier to understand all the workings of the school if I'm thoroughly involved - which is also the reason I help in lessons.  I left home at 11.30 this morning and returned at 5.30, three meetings later (no, I don't enjoy meetings and they have to be thoroughly purposeful or they aren't worth bothering with).  I can fit it all in, but not too many people with full-time jobs could.  Employers used to be much more understanding about time out for governor duties, but efficiency savings have cut that down considerably.  However, I've done this (not all at this school) for ... um ... it'll be 25 years in September.  18 years at one school and 14 years last autumn at this one.   Anyway, I said that I can't manage without my vice-chairman because she gives me so much back-up, I think we should revert to the practice of some years ago, and have a second vice-chair.   I carefully looked at no one as I said this, or rather I only looked at the Headteacher, at the far end of the table.  There are several people who are very capable of doing it, we've got really good governors, even the newer ones are very experienced (by virtue of governorship at other schools) and at least two are former Chairmen themselves at other schools (plus one at this one and a staff governor, who isn't eligible here, who's chairman at his village school).

Not that I know what I'll do with my spare time when I do stand down, whenever that may be.  There's plenty to do here, but I've done the devotion to home and garden thing already and I'm not too good at going back.  Travelling will become a less frequent option as the Sage gets older and needs me here more.  There are lots of other voluntary jobs, but I have worked hard for no pay for so long and although I won't be eligible for a pension for years (they keep raising the age and the prospect diminishes in the distance), that doesn't mean I want any sort of commitment, not necessarily.

Partly, I feel introspective because the day has arrived, and I think I referred to it a few weeks ago, when I am older than my father was when he died.  Many people outlive their parents' age at death, of course, though I don't know if it's usual to be aware of it to the day - or so aware, at any rate.  And more than forty years on, I still miss him.


Ms Scarlet said...

I think you will always find things to do... and the school will probably hang on to yo for as long as possible.
I find that the more spare time I have, the more it gets eaten up somehow?!

janerowena said...

That is very true, there is always something that needs to be done. I love being able to have the choice of when to do things, I get quite cross if I have too many commitments that tie me down. I have a few more years yet to get to my father's age, but will never forget the date of his stroke as he was having it as I gave birth to my daughter. Her birth got me through it I suppose, although the nurses watched me like a hawk while I was in hospital for signs of depression. It's affected me in that as i near his age, I am more careful to eat healthily. He was very fond of cream, cheese and butter and thought they were good healthy foods!

Z said...

If I have spare time, I just faff about. I'm very good at doing nothing at all.

What mixed emotions you must have had, Jane, how strange and distressing for you. I'm so sorry. I remember saying goodbye to my father as he was carried into the ambulance, never imagining that the next time I'd see him he'd be dead.

Yoga Gal said...

It's beautiful that you miss your father. Both my parents have passed away, I was my mother's Care-Giver the last 8 years of her life and I miss her every day! Hugs!

allotmentqueen said...

My dad died 4 months before his 80th birthday so I've got quite a way to go yet. That sounds awful, Janerowena, I'm glad you got through it.

That dance is soooo funny!

savannah said...

love the video! the MITM stopped what he was doing to come and see why i was laughing like a loon!

re: you Father. i know the feeling. my mother died a few months short of her 63rd birthday and i was very much aware of that fact from the day i hit 62! on my 63rd, it was almost as if a weight had been lifted and i could move forward. xoxoxoxox

Z said...

YG, I know you miss your mother dreadfully. I hope the pain eases without you feeling that you're losing the closeness you shared. I'm so sorry. But you know you gave her all there was to give, I hope there's a comfort in that.

Even knowing how the illusion is done doesn't stop it working - very clever, I really enjoyed it.

It's not so much fear of the age as dread of passing it, Savannah. I suppose the weight will lift though, now the date is behind me.