Tuesday 15 March 2011

What a carry-on

The Sage came into the room, bearing a china plate.  "I found a beautiful cock pheasant by the side of the road," he said.  I looked at the plate of meat.  "It seemed a shame to waste it," he explained.

Dear friend Lynn is digging deep and getting deeper with every email.  In one of her books, not Rosa Mundi but the lighter one, she has written a short humorous poem poking fun at blogging.  I mentioned it, and that she won't put me off blogging at all as I'm quite unrepentant after all these years.  So she apologised hastily, saying that she doesn't mean good blogs about something, and that I probably write about Lowestoft china, but the sort of blog that witters on and - oh, I can't resist a quote - "I just meant that, doing research on art, I keep coming across terrific pictures of things on the Google image bit, only to find that they're mired in some beastly blog of someone's holiday in Moldova, where they don't tell you which museum they were in, or where the thing is, or even - often - who it's by or what its date is, because they've then gone on to a photo of their aunt eating a pizza or something." Now isn't that me to a T?  I'm thinking of that absurd post I wrote the other day, randomly saying which statues I'd liked at the RA exhibition, only to discover too late that none of them was illustrated on the website so I couldn't show you any images at all.  Too funny.  I've written back, of course, explaining that my blog is just the sort that she can't bear, but I still don't care.  I trust she will put her spade down...

I'm tentatively planning the Wall Party.  At present, it seems likely to be Sunday, May 1st - though it occurs to me that's a Bank Holiday weekend, and immediately after the royal wedding.  Does that make it better or worse for anyone?  It could be the Monday, as it is a holiday.  The other possible day for me had been Saturday 14th, but Dave is not free.  You are all invited, really, I'd love you to come, even if you never comment and I don't know you're reading - though an indication would be good so I know you're coming (blog names are fine).  Vegetarians, carnivores, any allergies or pickiness (which is not intended as a rude term, there's nothing wrong with being a picky eater) all catered for.  Partners, naturally, included, and if your other half would prefer a proper invitation in the post, let me know, because I take Lynn's point, blogging to non-bloggers is weird.  My other quandary is, do I invite real-life friends too, or is that just asking for deep, deep embarrassment on my part.

I live on the Norfolk/Suffolk border, a lift from the railway station could probably be arranged (half an hour's drive from Diss or Norwich, but it'd be easier to arrange one or the other rather than both), reverse Yagnub for the nearest town to know the distance from you if driving.  I'm thinking of lunchtime onwards because Dave won't be able to get here much before 1 o'clock.


Marion said...

I wish so much that I really could come to the wall party. I have followed its progress from the first brick, but across the ocean is a bit more than I can manage. Please make a stick drawing of me and place me out among the festivities! I won't eat much.

Rog said...

We are away at Easter but should be back by 1st so would love to come - will confirm in next couple of weeks if that's ok. Lily is going to a PBGV party in May so will have a special bow. Oz says put him down for some of the Sage's Roadkill. Or any blog meat.

PixieMum said...

It's like London buses again, you wait for ever for a party invite and two come along together.

We've accepted an invite to a friend's 60th but would love to have met you and the Sage.

However, there is a chance we may be in your part of the world at sometime as Ian's cousin owns holiday accommodation near a seaside town. I think we may be going there some time.

Z said...

I have hopes of overseas visitors, but an ocean is maybe too far! We'll drink a toast to absent friends.

Hooray, we have a party! Well, possibly. I'll explain to Oz that bantams are out of bounds, but I'm sure I'll manage a juicy steak or two for him.

Blog meat. Heh.

PixieMum said...

ps left a message for you at end of my blog.


Z said...

Oh, you slipped in while I was writing that, Madeleine. Sorry you can't come, but do let me know when you're this way x

Roses said...


I'm in London for 9 days and that includes May 1st.

*runs off sobbing*

Z said...

Nooooooooo! Oh darling.

Unknown said...

Please Z, we'd love to come; I think we're clear on May first, but I'd better check with Ann as her diary is much more reliable than mine. Thanks anyway. Mike.

Z said...


Dave, do feel free to invite your blog friends too.

Anonymous said...

Norfolk is real? I have no idea where I'll be on 1st of May.

yaya said...

A party sounds lovely, only an ocean is too much for me..I'll attend in spirit if that's OK? I think most people would poke fun at my blog, but it's never changing to please others because for once I have control of something!

Rate My Sausage said...

Did the sage pluck and disembowel the beast by himself? THAT is seriously impressive, and blokey.

Eddie 2-Sox said...

Whoops, still had my sausage suit on.

Good work, the sage!

Dave said...

I'll mention it on my blog tomorrow. I don't suppose I've got many readers who don't also read this though.

Z said...

Lynn was poking the gentlest of fun, wittily at that. We'd convert her in minutes, Yaya!

Norfolk only appears once in a while, Mago, like one of those volcanic islands or an iceberg. You have to take advantage when it's visible. If you're anywhere this way at any time, you will always be welcome here,

I recognised you, Simon. And the Sage is indeed an impressive blokey hunter scavenger. The hunting is for where the bantams have laid their latest eggs.

Hold back, Dave, I'm in communication with Chris.

Sir Bruin said...

An invitation to view The Great Wall Of Yagnub? Sounds tempting, assuming that motorcyclists are not barred, that is.

Z said...

Sir B, I do hope you and the Small Bear will come. Bikers are particularly welcome.